Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Increase in the National Debt 
Obama    68%     Bush II       101%
Clinton    32%     GHW Bush  54%
Carter     43%      Reagan      186%
Johnson 13%        Ford           47%
JFK          8%      Nixon          34%
TOTAL 164%            TOTAL 422% 
 # YEARS 28            # YEARS 28

Will it see success in Congress?

Jeremy Corbyn Interview On Woman’s Hour Prompts Cries Of Bias
People clearly have not been following the recent swing in the definition of the word "bias."
It now means: "anything against my side, regardless of whether it is true or not."
Any media outlet that is not 100% for us, is "biased."

Jeremy Corbyn All But Confirms To Webchat He Won’t Stand Down If Labour Loses
Too right, Jeremy. You stay at the trough, no matter what happens, old son. 
There are a lot more perks and bennies where your current ones came from.

Andy Murray hints at boycott over Margaret Court anti-gay marriage comments
There should be no building named after anyone who does not agree with me and we should boycott all events where someone doesn't agree with me.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Tory Voters In Focus Group Say Theresa May’s Social Care Policy is 'Not fair'
Well of course it is not fair. 
How is it fair to ask people to pay for their own care when they can afford to do so?
It is much fairer to ask the guy making £30k a year to pay.
That way the kids of an oldie with a £1 million house can get an unearned windfall when he succumbs.
Shouldn't the tax payer always assist in the concentration of wealth?
Homeland Secretary Kelly considers laptop ban on all flights into US
That will make international flights to and from the US much less safe and much more dangerous
The risk of a hold fire will go up astronomically. What does she have against Americans?

Don’t Argue With Me!’ Robert Peston Tears Into Sir Michael Fallon In Terrorism Row
What was this politician thinking? He was facing a JOURNALIST with an opinion, and that is just not to be argued with!.   Mr Fallon acted like he thought the purpose of an interview was to hear what the interviewee had to say. That attitude is soooo 20th century. Today, an interviewee is merely there to let the so-called journalist express his own opinions. If an interviewee can't help that happen he should just shut up and let the journalist get on with it.

Durbin to Senate Republicans: 'Let's sit down together' on ObamaCare overhaul
Sorry, Dick. The other side wants to be able to say they killed something of Obama's and they do not care whether this is good for America or not; they think it is good for their re-election chances

Ukip leader says face coverings ban includes balaclavas but 'I've never seen anyone wear one'
Burkahs and Niqabs are offensive to local cultural values: we do not believe there are some people so high and mighty that none dare look upon their face, nor do we believe that one gender may look on a face that another gender may not. Wearing one in public in the UK is either a deliberate affront or an exhibition of colossal ignorance: the equivalent of a woman entering a mosque bare-headed, in shorts and a tank top.
    Still I oppose a ban: in a free society, people have the right to be deliberately offensive and/or pig ignorant.

Burkahs and Niqabs are  offensive to local cultural values: we do not believe there are some people so high and mighty that none dare look upon their face, nor do we believe that one gender may look on a face that another gender may not.    Wearing one in public in the UK is either a deliberate affront or an exhibition of colossal ignorance: the equivalent of a woman entering a mosque bare-headed, in shorts and a tank top.   
Still I oppose a ban: in a free society, people have the right to be deliberately offensive and/or pig ignorant.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Manchester: It is pious and inaccurate to say Abedi's actions had 'nothing to do with Islam'
Abedi is kafir and a mohareb, as are the the supporters of the would-be caliphate of Daesh. Is your point is that the Wahabiists and Salafists are deliberately leading Muslims from the true path of Islam to become kafir and moharebeh? Or is it that their teachings are inadequately constrained so that they may easily be misinterpreted.
    That is: do Wahabi and Salafi, in your view, WANT to wage war on civilization, or are they merely incompetent.

Hate crime reports double since suicide bombing, police chief says
The hate crime in Manchester, perpetrated by Mr Albedi with his hate-filled views, killed 22 and injured 120. How many did this reported rise in other hate crimes injure?
      We are told that the police and our entire country are on "critical alert" anticipating even more hate crimes from kafir and moharebeh perverters of Islam.

Pregnant Schoolgirl Maddi Runkles Banned From Graduation Because She’s ‘Immoral’
Okay, the schools rules are pretty oppressive and silly, but isn't it outrageous that they would expect students to live up to their own promises?   How dare they suggest that someone who breaks their word is immoral?   Shouldn't students be allowed to behave as they please, despite any rules, and still be rewarded?
Albedi is kafir, as are the the supporters of the would-be caliphate of Daesh.   Is your point is that the Wahabiists and Salafists are deliberately leading Muslims from the true path of Islam to become kafir and moharebeh?   Or is it that their teachings are inadequately constrained so that they may easily be misinterpreted.    

That is: do wahabiists and salafists, in your view, WANT to wage war on civilization, or are they merely incompetent.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Manchester bombing: Piers Morgan mocked for telling Muslims to 'root out" extremists
Sorry, but if these crimes are being done in the name of Allah, it behooves the followers of Allah to root them out.   
     It is no good whining "Oh, it is too hard."  or "Our communities are too diverse" as Ziya Merel does.   Nor does it help to falsely claim that all Muslims are being "blamed," as Mo Ansar does.  
      If Muslims want help rooting these evil people out of their communities, all they have to do is ask.   Tell us what we can do to help you find them and deal with them.   Why you?  Because they are doing it in your name.

Jeremy Corbyn to blame terrorist attacks such as Manchester bombing on UK foreign policy
Jeremy seems to think that terrorism comes from setting our own foreign policy and not having it set by others. If Britain does as it is told, we will be safe, he says.   ISIS will not attack us if we just follow their programme.
       The fact that they attack other countries that are not involved in foreign wars is not relevant. Britain is different: if we bring all troops back home terrorism in the UK will stop, Jeremy assures us.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Manchester bombing: Trump calls US leaks 'deeply troubling'
This government leaks from the very top down: Americans are no longer to be trusted.

Trump to NATO: Unpaid dues unfair to U.S. taxpayers
No one in NATO pays "dues" to anyone, nor do they "owe" anyone anything.
      While it is true that many countries devote less of the GDP to military matters than the US does, that is a matter for each sovereign nation. If the US thinks it is spending more than its fair share, it should cut back on the amount it spends.

New York Times Defends Running Leaked Manchester Bombing Pictures
"We cover stories about terrorism from all angles. Not only stories about victims but also how terrorist groups work, their sources of funding, how they recruit."
       And that is only PART of what we do to aid and abet terrorism. Along with most media outlets, we give the terrorists excessive coverage of exactly the kind they are looking for. The terrorists could not be happier with the publicity we give them.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Theresa May Says Military Poised To Patrol Streets 
Makes the government SEEM like it is doing something, but will have no real affect whatsoever, beyond make the British fearful and the terrorists happy. BTW; don;t tell the Americans anything about the investigation: they will leak it immediately
Theresa May upgrades terrorist threat level to 'critical' and puts soldiers on the streets.
What a waste of time, money and effort.  Pure emotional masturbation.   Worse, it gives the perpetrators of such acts exactly the kind of publicity they want.  This is simply aiding and abetting terrorists.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Theresa May Performs Unprecedented Manifesto U-Turn On Social Care Policy
Oh? Was this really the first time any party has done a u-turn on their manifesto?It is so sad that modern journalists - or is it just Huffpo? - do not know what "unprecedented" means.

SNP In Humiliating Backpedal After Claiming Debate Nurse Was Wife Of Tory Councillor
That is the Selfish National Party to a T.
Anybody that disagrees with them must be destroyed.
Truth? Accuracy? Who cares? Certainly not the SNP.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Stephen Hawking says we must colonise other planets to ensure human survival
Of course he is absolutely correct, as many others have said before him, but it may be too late to do anything about it. We no longer seem to have the political will to do great things, including the sensible insurance policy of seeding other planets with human life.
Putting all one's eggs in one basket has always been stupid. And, in the cold hard universe, species stupidity is a capital crime.

Ukip parliamentary candidate suspended for sending 'racist' tweets
There certainly is nothing anti-semitic in his tweet reported here. He criticized government and a political movement, not a race or religion. (Unless, of course, any criticism of Israel's right wing is considered anti-semitic.)

Nicola Sturgeon: Conservatives ‘Cannot Be Trusted To Care For Our Older People’
That is a huge quandry then, since neither the Selfish National Party nor Corbyn can be trusted at all. Seems there is absolutely no one to vote for in Scotland this year.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Flynn reportedly told Trump team he was under investigation before inauguration
But they said: "Paid lobbyist for a foreign power, so what?"
You didn't think we really MEANT it when we said 'Drain the Swamp" did you?"

Trump rails against 'witch hunt'
Mincing words: Clinton was hounded by the more powerful "independent" counsel, not the weaker "special" one. He should count himself lucky. 
        Poor Donnie: Next thing you know, people will be asking for his birth certificate, his school transcripts and his tax returns

What Theresa May said  – and what she really meant
Great! Wonderful example of modern journalism! 
If you can't find a way to trash a politician's own words, make up something that is easier to trash.
 A Classic iteration of the modern two-goal "story:"
       Goal 1: Make somebody else look bad
       Goal 2: Make the journalist look good (at least in his own mind)

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


Labour’s Richard Burgon Blasts BBC For Being ‘Put On Trial’ Over Manifesto
He doesn't seem to understand the four main purposes of an interview in modern journalism: 
1) to make the interviewee look bad, 
2) to make the journalist look good, 
3) to get the journalist's opinions across and 
4) if, and only if, there is time - to get the interviewee's opinions.

NATO limits speeches to four minutes 'due to Trump's attention span'
'nuff  said.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Labour’s Manifesto Sees Return Of 50p Tax Rate And Levy On Premier League Clubs
It is election season and both parties giving away other people's money hand over fist.
One might think politicians would learn that a Britton's votes cannot be bought.
Sadly, they have long ago learned the opposite.

Netanyahu Again Says U.S. Should Move Embassy to Jerusalem
Okay, America, just shut up and do as you are told.
Israel is not accustomed to being kept waiting by US administrations.
If you do not make this move soon, we may stop accepting the $3 billion you give us each year to boost our current account.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

‘Tories Are For Rich, White People’
If someone said "The Labour Party is for poor black people," would anyone think the statement was racist?

Labour Announces A ‘Robin Hood Tax’ To Help Fund Public Services
If you think a tax on tobacco will reduce smoking but a tax on financial transactions will not reduce financial transactions, you could be a Corbynista.   If you think a reduction in financial transactions won;t mean a reduction in jobs, you could be an idiot.

Brexit Donor Jeremy Hosking To Fund Campaign To Oust Pro-Remain MPs
Oh, good! He is going after the Selfish National Party. 
He'll need to pony up quite a bit more though.

John McDonnell Warns BAE Systems Could Lose Major Government Of course this is exactly what we want: Government deciding how all UK businesses should be run and only contracting with those companies who do as they are told.

Twelfth Night, Olivier, National Theatre, London, review: 
Just saw the last day of Simon Godwin’s gender-issue production of 12th Night – a vicious swipe at the LBGT community. I imagine the extremely talented cast are very relieved. It must be uncomfortable for actors of such brilliant abilities to be directed into frenetic slapstick while turning Shakespeare’s play into a series of brutal attacks on the gay, bi and gender-confused.

We are shown that LGBT folk are:
· monumentally selfish, as each character ranks their own feelings and needs above those of any other
· slow on the uptake: unable to see through the simplest ruses nor react to good news
· devoid of loyalty, unless forced into displaying some.
· unspeakably cruel: willing to utterly destroy a colleague for a bit of fun
· unfamiliar with remorse for such cruelty

I am not certain what Mr Godwin has against the LBGT community but I am surprised, in this day and age of political correctness, that he is allowed to get away with it. But perhaps I misunderstand: it may be that he is honestly trying to help the general public understand what the community is like – or at least what he thinks it is like.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Tim Farron Decided To Get In A Hovercraft And Go Really Fast Down A Beach
Huffpo's headline decided to relate this story in a snarky way, continuing their tradition of belittling all politicians so that the public cannot trust or respect them. Ned Simmons was slightly gentler in his snarkasm, but only slightly. The new journalism considers snarcasity to be "cool" - a way of getting closer to their audience and a way to imagine themselves as "tough"

Trump Launches Review of Federal Election Process
It is very important to have something, even a non-existent problem, to distract the attention of his base from the fact that he has cut their health care while giving himself and his millionaire friends a massive great windfall.

Rosenstein Pressed White House to Correct the Record on Comey Firing
The problem with being in bed with liars, Mr Rosenstein, is that they do not just lie about other people, sometimes they lie abut you as well

BBC Question Time Accused Of Bias After Opening From Conservative Councillor
Well, of course anyone who has a conservative opinion MUST be a plant, and how dare Dimbleby suggest that this guy be allowed to speak when someone was in the middle of interrupting him. 
    Once anyone is elected to a town council (whether Tory, Labour, Liberal or Selfish National Party) , their opinion no longer counts and they should not be allowed to speak in any public forum outside of the council chamber and their own press conferences.

    If they do try to speak, they should be interrupted immediately and continuously.   Innit?

Jeremy Corbyn’s Leaked Manifesto Policies Get Thumbs Up From Voters In Latest Poll
A bunch of free stuff for me, paid for by somebody else: what's not to like?
I especially like the idea of re-nationalizing "THE RAILWAYWS" as Huffpo calls them.

We should also re-nationalize Airlines, Buses, Coal ... Steel, Telecoms, Waterways and any other industries we think are running too efficiently or whose prices to the public have fallen too far since they were privatised.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Toxic Housing Crisis Fuels A 700% Rise In Families Forced To Live In B&Bs
It is horrible and tragic the things heartless landlords do to people who won't pay their rent. 
Why can't they just give all their tenants free accommodation?

Theresa May Tells The One Show There Are ‘Boy And Girl’ Jobs At Home
Well that is absolutely unconscionable.
They have a division of labor in their house that isn't non-traditional!
How dare they? 
If they do not do it exactly as we want it done, then they are sexists.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Stephen Fry under police investigation for blasphemy after branding God an 'utter maniac'
Depends on which God he is talking about. 
 If it is the Judeo-Christian God of the old testament, everyone knows that He is an extremely vicious sadist with very few redeeming qualities. Utter maniac fits Him well.  The Christian God of the New Testament is slightly less sadistic.  Mean-minded and stupid fits Him nicely.
            PS: What business is it of the government's what anyone says about the various gods that people worship? The Jewish, Christian and Islamic gods are all extremely creepy and most of the rest are even worse.
Depends on which God he is talking about.  If it is the Judeo-Christian God of the old testament, everyone knows that He is an extremely vicious sadist with very few redeeming qualities.  Utter maniac fits Him well.
The Christian God of the New Testament is slightly less sadistic.   Mean-minded and stupid  fits Him nicely.

PS: What business is it of the government's what anyone  says about the various gods that people worship?  The Jewish, Christian and Islamic gods are all extremely creepy and most of the rest are even worse.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Prince Philip to stand down from public life: 95 gaffes in 95 years
Sad, but true: honesty from a public figure IS considered a gaffe these days.

Now Prince Philip is set to retire, let's talk about getting rid of the monarchy entirely
Well, we now know that Ms Bergman thinks
1) People from different ethnicities can't be related
2) Royals have any say on how our taxes are put to use
3) Windfarms in areas of natural beauty are not disgraceful
4) She is too lazy to find out what the royal duties are
Perhaps it is time to phase out Serena Bergman

Trump’s Order on Religious Liberty Pleases a Few, but Lets Down Many ConservativesOh Great!  Now doctors can refuse to treat any alcohol-related injury and companies can ban pork and shellfish from their schools and canteens. Businesses can turn away anyone who has committed adultery or borne false witness.
     PS: At least Muslims, Satanists and Wiccans no longer need fear the tax man
Sad, but honesty from a public figure IS considered a gaffe these days.a

UK-EU relations hit new low as Theresa May viciously attacks European politicians
Coverage hits a new low as The Independent viciously attacks the government during the precarious lead up Brexit negotiations. Some feel the paper is deliberately trying to sabotage the UK.

Jeremy Corbyn should do a Bernie Sanders, and go for broke
Jeremy IS Britain's answer to Bernie Sanders, albeit with less charisma, intellect and rationality.

Trump 'directly involved' in search for civil servant who tweeted his inauguration crowd size 
This is not partisan. 
This would be scary whether it was done by a Republican OR a Democrat, a liberal or a conservative.
It is out-and-out totalitarian.  Something Erdogan or Kim Jung Un would do.
Okay, it is just one example, but I think we need to start keeping an eye on paranoia and retributive action.
 "The condition on which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance."   [J.P.Curran, 1790]

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Now We Finally Know What’s On Steve Bannon’s Whiteboard
Pretty good PR stunt, as most of these things will appeal to and please the Trump base.
Meanwhile, the journalists suckered into printing this will feel they've done something.

It’s the end of the world and we know it: Scientists in many disciplines see apocalypse, soon
Malthus, Osborn, Ehrlich, the Paddock brothers; all seem to discount human ingenuity. 
Meanwhile the apocalyptics, who have set a couple of hundred different dates for the end of things (starting with Hilary of Poiters naming 365A.D.) all seem pretty vague on what their god gets out of it.

Jeremy Corbyn Must Remain Labour Leader If He Loses The Election
Of course he must! We don't believe in accountability anymore. Incompetence and failure is no reason to resign: stay at the trough and feed, Jeremy.

And don't let them make Abbott go either:she is good for 30 votes....I mean 80 million votes..... I mean 300,000 votes.....I mean.....

Monday, 1 May 2017

The stories that won’t make headlines in George Osborne’s Evening Standard
Stories that will never make the Guardian, or almost ANY other media outlet:
1) An MP did something good, competent, valuable or against corruption.
2) An MP or top bureaucrat did something wholesome or exemplified family values.
3) A deed, event, speech or interview advanced cooperation and reduced conflict

Police told to 'stop pushing responsibility' for domestic violence prosecutions onto victims
This is is outrageous! These police act as if people should take some responsibility on themselves. Don't they realise that we British are totally irresponsible and that we expect someone else to make ALL our decisions for us?

Labour pledges crackdown on bad landlords so rented homes are 'fit for human habitation'
There should also be a list of tenant tasks in general repair and maintenance, with tough fines "to call time on bad tenants."

There should also be a list of tenant tasks in general repair and maintenance, with tough fines for to call time on bad tenants.
Angela Merkel arrives without headscarf in Saudi Arabia for talks with King Salman
Good for her. They expect to wear their own dress when the visit our countries, even when they emigrate to LIVE in our countries. Either they should extend us the same courtesy or we should withdraw ours.

Francis Ford Coppola Says ‘The Godfather’ Wouldn’t Get Made Today
It could not be made today: it would be considered racist.
Imagine an epic saga about the crimes that a family of illegal immigrants commit.

Facebook And Twitter Branded A ‘Disgrace’ By MPs For Not Tackling Online Hate
Right. And the post office too!  Do you have any idea how many letters contain hate speech?
They should also ask the post office, just as they are asking Facebook and Twitter, to open every posted letter and read it before deciding whether to send it on to its intended destination. Any letters found containing hate speech should be destroyed.

Supermarkets Urged To Boost ‘Wonky Veg’ Sales To Fight Growing Food Waste Problem
Yeah, and we'll believe them when we see the government all buying these veg for their own kitchens.
Just let the supermarkets donate the stuff to the NHS, with liability protection

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