Of course, Fiona. It is always someone else's fault, innit?
Friday, 26 October 2012
![John Sununu, Top Romney Surrogate, Suggests Colin Powell Obama Endorsement Motivated By Race [UPDATE]](http://i.huffpost.com/gen/833890/thumbs/s-JOHN-SUNUNU-COLIN-POWELL-small.jpg)
Commented Oct 26, 2012 at 04:45:33 in Politics
“Possibly true, but John
and Rush are only supporting Mitt because he is white, so it evens

Commented Oct 26, 2012 at 04:40:01 in UK
“"The chief executive
came under pressure from shareholders in Anglo American who demanded an
immediate change of management after losing confidence in her strategy
and leadership."
Shouldn't the fact that she is a female outweigh these minor concerns?”
Shouldn't the fact that she is a female outweigh these minor concerns?”

Commented Oct 26, 2012 at 04:24:27 in UK Universities & Education
“Im' not shure this is a gud idea.
You coud be despensing with sum of you're best edicationalists,”
You coud be despensing with sum of you're best edicationalists,”

Commented Oct 25, 2012 at 20:56:26 in UK
Absolutely right. We should also scrap he and she and call everyone "it." Transgender people are such a large portion of our community, we should
be very careful not to offend them, lest they rise up and take over the

Commented Oct 25, 2012 at 07:47:28 in UK Politics
“In this article, apparently, anti-science means "doesn't agree with me."”

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 17:17:40 in Politics
I doubt his ideas will
reduce poverty, but it is a sure thing that the anti-poverty programs

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 12:28:22 in Business
True, Paul, but so will an Obama victory.

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 12:12:09 in UK Politics
No, he did not. He
linked an unnamed aide to an unnamed former prime minister. I wonder
how many names of card-carrying communists he has on a list.

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 09:31:06 in UK Politics
"Nobody wrongs me and
doesn’t pay for it," she says, referring to Cameron's 2011 jibe in the
Commons that the backbencher was "extremely frustrated". "There is a
saying: ‘Revenge is a dish best served cold."
Nice to know that she has her priorities right: the good of the country
and her constituents must take a back seat to her getting even for a
perceived slight. Pretty typical of the "I'm for me first" zeitgeist.

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 06:29:28 in Politics
Any nation adapts its
war to the tactics of the enemy. Attacked by armies with divisions of
infantry and armour, they respond with divisions of infantry and armour.
Attacked by small-scale murderers, they respond with small-scale
murder. It may not be pleasant or morally comfortable, but it is
inevitable - and a far sight better than the deliberate bombing of
civilians in Dresden, Coventry or Hiroshima.
![Richard Mourdock On Abortion: Pregnancy From Rape Is 'Something God Intended' [UPDATE]](http://i.huffpost.com/gen/830016/thumbs/s-RICHARD-MOURDOCK-ABORTION-small.jpg)
Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 06:16:13 in Politics
“Difficult, but totally
understandable position. To some, God is both omniscient and
omnipotent, thus any act or event that occurs does so with God's fore
knowledge and - as God is able to prevent it - with His intent to allow
it to happen. Under this logic, all the various natural disasters and
human-led holocausts are things that God intended to happen.
Mourdock's God is not a very nice God, but He is neither inconsistent nor incomprehensible. Question is, do we want representatives who worship nasty Gods?
Mourdock's God is not a very nice God, but He is neither inconsistent nor incomprehensible. Question is, do we want representatives who worship nasty Gods?

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 06:03:12 in UK
Ascribing evil motives
to ALL actions of a sexual predator is far more comfortable than the
idea that people are complex and may have both good and evil motives.
Easier does not mean better or more accurate.

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 05:58:25 in UK Politics
Why do we need a sexist
reason to set a sensible policy? Why is this idea couched in terms of
gender, rather than in terms of the type of offense or offender? How do you square "...64.3% of women released from British prisons in
2004 were reconvicted within two years of release," with " the vast
majority of the female prison population would be of no danger to the

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 05:48:26 in UK
“I prefer humanism to feminism or any other kind of sexism.”

Commented Oct 24, 2012 at 05:44:36 in UK Politics
When someone commits an imprisonable offense, they are saying that they do not consider themselves a part of society to be bound by its rules.Offering individuals who do not consider themselves part of society control over that society seems the height of folly. It is like the UK offering the vote to the citizens of the Republic of Ireland or saying that, if Scotland becomes an independent country, their citizens will still be allowed to vote in the UK.
Fiona Phillips accuses former school of being 'rampant with hormones' and turning her into a 'vile teenager' in extraordinary rant -
Disgraced peer Conrad Black turns the air blue in rant at Jeremy Paxman
Well, of course he is right - but a bit churlish to say so in public.
Why The Jetsons is the most influential TV show of the 20th century
He may have a point. The ideas and gadgets in the Jetsons were VERY old hat in the 60's but, as a large portion of their audience would not or could not read, it may be the first exposure many had to them.
Scientologists launch landmark legal bid to overturn 'unfair' marriage laws in England
Interesting: what are the "essential ingredients of religious worship" under the law?
Ohio voting machines – brought to you by the Romneys · 2 days ago
Oh great. Now we need to examine the shareholdings of every voting machine company and, if there is a preponderance of one party or another, the machines will have to be thrown out - we can only keep them if shareholders are equally split between the parties?
Satyajit Das: So how long can the US hold the world to ransom with the dollar? ·
Interesting. It seems the US was (and is) doing the same thing that most OECD countries were (and are) doing, but the US was better at it because they are bigger.
The Euro problem arose because only some EU countries were doing this and the two or four EU countries who were not, now do not want to pay the bill for those who were. Greece could not have "held the world to ransom" with the drachma, but it has been able to hold Europe to ransom.
Do you think the threat of citing China as a currency manipulator is a tactic to ensure that China does not put IMF-like conditions on further bailouts of the US government. -
14-year-old girl dies of heart attack after drinking two cans of high-caffeine Monster Energy drink on consecutive days · 3 days ago
How many packets of crisps did she eat in those 2 days?
Austerity? Cameron warned over veto as Euro-MPs back above-inflation spending rise · 3 days ago
No! Politicians who want to spend more of someone else's money? Whoda thunk it?
What's all the snus about? Swedish MEP dealing snuff in Brussels · 3 days ago
Of course it is illegal to sell in the EU - it does not generate much in the way of tax revenue or lobbyist coddling of parliamentarians and bureaucrats. A thousand times less damaging than cigarettes? " So what," your representatives say.
Jo Brand: 'I'd like to be a national disgrace' · 5 days ago
It is always nice when someone achieves their goal.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Great Train Snobbery: Osborne sitting in First Class with standard class ticket · 20 October I see the anti-toff brigade are out again. A politician's staffer bought the wrong ticket, then paid for an upgrade on the train. This is news because anybody really cares, or because media plebs don't like people riding in first class (except, of course, themselves)? -
Government's Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell has resigned · 5 minutes ago
Interesting that the anti-toff brigade in the media can hound an elected official from office using only a disputed version of events that they did not witness.
Victory as soldiers' relatives told they can sue Government for negligence ·
The sacrifices our troops make are awesome, but now at least someone else can get paid money for them.
David Cameron demands crackdown on EU fatcats · 10 hours ago
Be nice for an enterprising journalist to report the percentage of the UK civil service on pay over 100k euros. I make it about 12%, on a quick scroll through various statistics and news articles, but I could be out a couple of percentage points either way.
Queen not amused by Health Secretary Hunt’s James Bond joke
Oh dear. Can't tell a joke? That's not good news for someone in government - any government.
Joanna Krupa, 'Real Housewives' Star, Reveals Her Breasts In
Totally See-Through Top
Oct 19, 2012 at 21:28:21
If you got it, flaunt
it: she's young and her milk glands are in good shape. Why anyone is
upset about seeing a healthy a young animal's milk glands is beyond me”

“This is outrageous. We
set up a system designed to punish those who buy a house to use as a
base to serve us in parliament and to favor those who merely rent
accommodation for the same purpose - then they go around it. Worse,
they do it stupidly - instead of using a rent-to-buy scheme, they rent
to each other. Did they think we woukldn't find out? Or did they
think we really didn't mean it when we said we were against MPs owning
homes in London?”

It is dead certain that
Griffin's tweets did less damage to the two than these news stories do.
Any penalty meted out to Griffin should be meted out to each media
outlet that repeated the tweets.
The best and the brightest, hey?

“Oh yeah, and Chris, never mind that sea voyage - we've got problems enough here in
Spain." Isobella.

“Sadly, another example
of candidates less interested in what they stand for than in who they
are running against.”

Commented Oct 16, 2012 at 09:06:58 in UK Politics
“Good for the ministers. Hope they stand their ground. Neither diplomacy nor government nor sensible decision-making can be effectively conducted if everything that every member of government says or writes is published as an open letter.”
Monday, 15 October 2012
PBS belongs to the people (Sun Sentinel Oct 15)
Government funding of PBS (a private company) is complex and cicuitous. A better example would be CPB, which does get a direct government appropriation - and which funds PBS in several ways. Cutting CPB would do the most damage to local public radio and television stations, which get the lion's share of their appropriation.
The real question is why these kind of subsidies are all dealt with piece-meal and separately: why is no one saying cut all corporate welfare, including payments, allowances and deductions for banks, airlines, agribusiness, oil, gas, theaters, opera houses and PBS. The reason is, we have gotten used to lobbyists convincing government to take our tax dollars and give them to their mates or their pet causes.
If PBS and local public Radio and TV stations get a cut in their public funds, they will find another business model, just as oil and gas companies or agribusinesses would. Some local stations, especailly in smaller communities, may go belly up. I doubt that many oil, gas and agribusinesses will, though they may have to get up off their backsides and work a little harder for their living.
Government funding of PBS (a private company) is complex and cicuitous. A better example would be CPB, which does get a direct government appropriation - and which funds PBS in several ways. Cutting CPB would do the most damage to local public radio and television stations, which get the lion's share of their appropriation.
The real question is why these kind of subsidies are all dealt with piece-meal and separately: why is no one saying cut all corporate welfare, including payments, allowances and deductions for banks, airlines, agribusiness, oil, gas, theaters, opera houses and PBS. The reason is, we have gotten used to lobbyists convincing government to take our tax dollars and give them to their mates or their pet causes.
If PBS and local public Radio and TV stations get a cut in their public funds, they will find another business model, just as oil and gas companies or agribusinesses would. Some local stations, especailly in smaller communities, may go belly up. I doubt that many oil, gas and agribusinesses will, though they may have to get up off their backsides and work a little harder for their living.

Commented 15 Oct 2012 at 11:34:10 in UK
There is a film that is
offensive to some and those offended peacefully protest it's
Freedom of speech in action, on both sides. Ain't a free society wonderful?
Freedom of speech in action, on both sides. Ain't a free society wonderful?

Commented 15 Oct 2012 at 11:15:01 in Politics
"the past four years
have unleashed a raw, bitter war over economic class, our social
obligation to the poor and sick, and the basic sustainability of the
modern state that has existed since Franklin Roosevelt."
Actually, what has unleashed the war is that our bank manager mentioned that we have been kiting checks for 50 years and are now so deep in debt that we will have to cut back on our lifestyle. But we have gotten so used to the gravy (and there is now so much of it) that the cuts will really hurt - so we go to war to ensure the cuts hurt the other guy more than they hurt us.
What happened to "we're all Americans, we're all in this together," you ask?
Actually, what has unleashed the war is that our bank manager mentioned that we have been kiting checks for 50 years and are now so deep in debt that we will have to cut back on our lifestyle. But we have gotten so used to the gravy (and there is now so much of it) that the cuts will really hurt - so we go to war to ensure the cuts hurt the other guy more than they hurt us.
What happened to "we're all Americans, we're all in this together," you ask?
That's sooo 20th century.

Commented 15 Oct 2012 at 10:53:37 in UK
“Absolutely right! Just
include chips and fizzy drinks in the list of class A drugs. Problem
solved. Later, if we decide to remove substances from the list based on
the amount of harm, they may be the last to go.
As nanny says, everything that is not compulsory should be forbidden.”
As nanny says, everything that is not compulsory should be forbidden.”

Commented 15 Oct 2012 at 10:44:34 in UK
"what do you call a woman who's had an abortion?"
Someone who has had to make a tough choice that will be second-guessed by millions who do not know her or anything about her.”
Someone who has had to make a tough choice that will be second-guessed by millions who do not know her or anything about her.”

Commented 14 Oct 2012 at 11:06:01 in UK
“...here's a woman
whose dress sense/lipstick choice/career path (sadly often in that
order) is to be analysed and debated across the political spectrum."
And why is this a sad thing? Her dress sense and lipstick choice demonstrates her EQ (emotional quotient) - that is, how good she is at figuring out what makes other people feel positively about her. Her career path merely shows how good she is at turning EG and IQ into money or favour.”
And why is this a sad thing? Her dress sense and lipstick choice demonstrates her EQ (emotional quotient) - that is, how good she is at figuring out what makes other people feel positively about her. Her career path merely shows how good she is at turning EG and IQ into money or favour.”

Commented 14 Oct 2012 at 10:40:04 in UK
So What? Let the
social workers and counselors get on with helping the victims and get
this garbage off the news. Enough of your titillation and pandering to
prurient interests already.
PS: To both Paul and Les
Isn't it annoying that people can be both good and evil at the same time?
Why can't things be all black or all white, like wot they used to tell us in sunny school?”
Isn't it annoying that people can be both good and evil at the same time?
Why can't things be all black or all white, like wot they used to tell us in sunny school?”

Commented 14 Oct 2012 at 10:34:51 in Business
“Sorry, Mohammed, I
don't like your chances. Responsibility is sooo 20th century. Today's
average government entity, like the average citizen, runs a mile at the
sound of the word and starts looking for someone else to blame.””

Commented 13 Oct 2012 at 16:59:29 in UK
“Gosh. Two whole
inquiries. Well that will lay the media feeding frenzy to rest, won't
Ever notice how the sexual antics of journalists are NEVER reported? Apparently it is not in the public interest for us to know how many of the journalists and publishers, who tsk-tsk so loudly at Jimmy Saville or Strauus-Kahn, are guilty of the same practices.”
Ever notice how the sexual antics of journalists are NEVER reported? Apparently it is not in the public interest for us to know how many of the journalists and publishers, who tsk-tsk so loudly at Jimmy Saville or Strauus-Kahn, are guilty of the same practices.”

Commented 13 Oct 2012 at 16:52:45 in World
“He wants more
anti-Islam demonstrations? Don't like his chances, at least in the west.
Most folks don't care enough about the tiny minority who pervert Islam
for their own mohareb ends to bother demonstrating.”

Commented 13 Oct 2012 at 16:48:08 in UK
“The majority of those
living with parents do not pay a market rent nor contribute the full
cost of their food. If you spend all your income on yourself, it can be
hard to save up to rent or buy your own place. Most of these people
would be happy with social housing (it is better that my mom and dad
don't pay for me: but okay if other people's moms and dads pay for me),
so it is a good thing that they cannot get it.”

Commented 12 Oct 2012 at 02:44:34 in UK
“Both are benefits
become rights by virtue of being provided by government. If government
provides a benefit, each citizen (at least each in the same class or
group) must get that same benefit - as we have a "right" to be treated
fairly and without discrimination. Failure to treat citizens fairly is
such a violation of basic rights that the government deserves to fall
and citizens treated unfairly are within their rights to bring that
government down.
However, if government does not provide or mandate education or healthcare (or does so only for those with special needs or only up to age 12), then I have no right to these benefits. I must find them on my own.
A government may mandate that people who are sick must be paid, even though they do no work on a given day (a reasonable thing for government to do - protecting citizens, their dependents and hence society at large). In that case, I have a right to sick pay because I may not be discriminated against.
If, however, some employers elect to pay workers for sick days not taken, while others do not, the government is unlikely to get involved (since there is no social benefit in forcing all employers to do this). In this case, I have a "right" to this pay only if I work for company that pays it to others like me.”
However, if government does not provide or mandate education or healthcare (or does so only for those with special needs or only up to age 12), then I have no right to these benefits. I must find them on my own.
A government may mandate that people who are sick must be paid, even though they do no work on a given day (a reasonable thing for government to do - protecting citizens, their dependents and hence society at large). In that case, I have a right to sick pay because I may not be discriminated against.
If, however, some employers elect to pay workers for sick days not taken, while others do not, the government is unlikely to get involved (since there is no social benefit in forcing all employers to do this). In this case, I have a "right" to this pay only if I work for company that pays it to others like me.”

Commented 11 Oct 2012 at 09:54:29 in UK Celebrity
“"...entire families and communities are changed when girls go to school."
Now you know why the Taliban want to kill any girl children who do.”
Now you know why the Taliban want to kill any girl children who do.”

Commented 11 Oct 2012 at 00:58:38 in UK Politics
“Whenever some politicians get worried about the outcome of a vote, they try to dream up ways to cheat. Sadly, this tendency is not limited to one side of the aisle or the other.In the old days, we had a word for these politicians: we called them crooks.”
Did 'brutal' cuts cause West Coast rail fiasco? · an hour ago No, incompetence was the cause. But, of course, since everything is always the fault of someone else, (especially incompetence), this article will be just one of many from various factions singling out their usual suspects
Car bombing kills 15 in northwest Pakistan · 2 days ago I wonder how many women and children these moharebeh murdered or maimed here. Isn't it time for Islam to rise up against these enemies of god? Time to put a fatwa and a bounty on their heads?
Exclusive: MS drug 'rebranded' – at up to 20 times the price · Well there is NO reason why these people should be paid for the cost of getting this drug from off-licence to on-licence. It should come out of their own pockets. After all, they were the ones who were stupid enough to invent it and test it, weren't they?
The return of DSK · 2 days ago Okay, he's a scum bag. But have you noticed that the sexual antics of journalists are NEVER reported on? Apparently, it is not in the public interest for us to know how many of the reporters, who are tsk-tsking so loudly about Strauss-Kahn, are guilty of the same practices.
Facebook: The antisocial network · 4 days ago I know it makes good headlines to pretend otherwise, but try to remember: companies pay tax on profits not on income
Obama team 'to blame for Benghazi embassy deaths' · And their committee has already shown willing to publish classified material and endanger the lives of US personnel abroad in order to make their point.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 18:13:02 in UK
“Absolutely. 25 days
paid holiday is a basic, god-given right that mankind should not dare to
question, just as being paid for sick days we do not take has been part
of the British heritage for countless generations. As the American
constitution should have said: all people are endowed by their creator
with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit
of annual leave, sick pay, childcare, flexitime, part-time and
term-time working, and job sharing.”

Why Bother With Facts on Welfare When Fiction Is So Convenient?
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 18:04:18 in UK Politics
“Well of course they are
false stereotypes. We all know that no one in the UK is on benefits
who could be working and that absolutely everyone collecting disability
is really unfit to work. It is clear that paying someone to stay home
(paid for by someone else) that is only 10% less than they would make
if they went to work could never be seen as an incentive to stay home -
all of these people would jump at the very first job they were offered
for that extra 10%”

We are all Plebs to the Class Warriors of the Right
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 17:58:31 in UK Politics
“Yeah, and when them
elites says pleb, it's a slur - but when we parasites says toff, it's
just a description.”

Malala Yousufzai 'Stable' After Pakistan Taliban Shoot 14-Year-Old Blogger For Being Pro-West (PICTURES)
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 12:58:06 in UK
“"This was a new chapter
of obscenity, and we have to finish this chapter," Ehsan added.
Amazing: I know that the Taliban are obscene, but I wouldn't have expected him to admit it.
One must admire the shooter's Talibanity however: not sure which baby was the one he was supposed to kill, he shot two or three babies, just to be sure. A cowardly moharebeh, worthy of the obscene Taliban”
Amazing: I know that the Taliban are obscene, but I wouldn't have expected him to admit it.
One must admire the shooter's Talibanity however: not sure which baby was the one he was supposed to kill, he shot two or three babies, just to be sure. A cowardly moharebeh, worthy of the obscene Taliban”

'Abu Qatada Will Not Get A Fair Trial In Jordan, Claim Human Rights Experts
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 12:47:29 in UK
“Well, true. It is the
business of the UK legal system to call other sovereign nations liars
and their justice systems inferior. If we don't protect any of their
criminals who manage to turn up here on forged passports, what else is
the law for?”

Malala Yousufzai, Teenage Pakistani Girl Activist, Attacked By Taliban
Commented Oct 9, 2012 at 11:45:41 in World
“The baby-killers are at
it again. But then, she did commit a horrid crime in their eyes: not
only did she ask to learn something - she didn't demand that what she
learned should dictated by them.”

States Deny Millions Of Ex-Felons Voting Rights
Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 22:53:57 in Black Voices
“Well of course they
are: it is a way to quash the liberal vote, since a liberal is a
conservative who has just been arrested. If liberals wish to retaliate, they should support stonger law
enforcement, since a conservative is a liberal who has just been mugged”

Supreme Court Looking At Affirmative Action In College Admissions
Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 22:42:30 in Politics
“"The university says
... that white students with lower scores also were admitted, while many
more minority students with higher scores than Fisher also were not
offered admission."
Therefore, the plaintiff was NOT denied admission solely on racist grounds, which makes this is a very complex case - and not one I would have picked to decide the issue of racist preferences.
Affirmative action is deliberately racist and sexist, designed to compensate for race-based and gender-based discrimination that affect the applicants long before they get to college age. The purpose is to give equality of opportunity, NOT equality of results. If, as it seems, the university's race-blind admissions were doing pretty well at creating a diverse student body, it is very hard to argue that the program is really necessary.
Finally, the damages could be very costly: compensating all rejected students (of any race) with higher scores for the difference between their costs to attend UT and the cost to attend the school where they ended up enrolling.
For these reasons, I'd expect a narrow rather than broad decision.”
Therefore, the plaintiff was NOT denied admission solely on racist grounds, which makes this is a very complex case - and not one I would have picked to decide the issue of racist preferences.
Affirmative action is deliberately racist and sexist, designed to compensate for race-based and gender-based discrimination that affect the applicants long before they get to college age. The purpose is to give equality of opportunity, NOT equality of results. If, as it seems, the university's race-blind admissions were doing pretty well at creating a diverse student body, it is very hard to argue that the program is really necessary.
Finally, the damages could be very costly: compensating all rejected students (of any race) with higher scores for the difference between their costs to attend UT and the cost to attend the school where they ended up enrolling.
For these reasons, I'd expect a narrow rather than broad decision.”

Linda McMahon Campaign Leaks HuffPost Reporter's Emails To Bolster Its Ethical Bona Fides
Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 03:40:59 in Politics
“Oh no! Politicians
covering journalists the same way that journalists cover politicians?
That's not fair. Aren't journalists supposed to be the only ones who are allowed to quote people out of context?”
That's not fair. Aren't journalists supposed to be the only ones who are allowed to quote people out of context?”
Hunt's Abortion Statements Are About Politics, Not Medicine
Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 06:10:20 in UK Politics
“As there is no
scientific reason to shorten the period when abortions are permitted,
the only reason to suggest that the period should be shortened seems to
be prejudice. Prejudice against those whose religious beliefs allow

Karl Watkin, The Millionaire Businessman On A Mission To Keep Terror Suspects In The UK
Commented Oct 6, 2012 at 04:19:37 in UK
“Rare: a man of principle who puts his money where his mouth is. One might object to his adding to the the cost of these extraditions, which are designed to outsource prosecution and imprisonment and save taxpayer funds better spent elsewhere - but we still save a million on the trial and 50k a year for subsequent incarceration, so we can probably afford it.”Subscribe to Posts [Atom]
Commented Oct 26, 2012 at 05:06:13 in World