Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 18:13:02 in UK
“Absolutely. 25 days
paid holiday is a basic, god-given right that mankind should not dare to
question, just as being paid for sick days we do not take has been part
of the British heritage for countless generations. As the American
constitution should have said: all people are endowed by their creator
with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit
of annual leave, sick pay, childcare, flexitime, part-time and
term-time working, and job sharing.”

Why Bother With Facts on Welfare When Fiction Is So Convenient?
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 18:04:18 in UK Politics
“Well of course they are
false stereotypes. We all know that no one in the UK is on benefits
who could be working and that absolutely everyone collecting disability
is really unfit to work. It is clear that paying someone to stay home
(paid for by someone else) that is only 10% less than they would make
if they went to work could never be seen as an incentive to stay home -
all of these people would jump at the very first job they were offered
for that extra 10%”

We are all Plebs to the Class Warriors of the Right
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 17:58:31 in UK Politics
“Yeah, and when them
elites says pleb, it's a slur - but when we parasites says toff, it's
just a description.”

Malala Yousufzai 'Stable' After Pakistan Taliban Shoot 14-Year-Old Blogger For Being Pro-West (PICTURES)
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 12:58:06 in UK
“"This was a new chapter
of obscenity, and we have to finish this chapter," Ehsan added.
Amazing: I know that the Taliban are obscene, but I wouldn't have expected him to admit it.
One must admire the shooter's Talibanity however: not sure which baby was the one he was supposed to kill, he shot two or three babies, just to be sure. A cowardly moharebeh, worthy of the obscene Taliban”
Amazing: I know that the Taliban are obscene, but I wouldn't have expected him to admit it.
One must admire the shooter's Talibanity however: not sure which baby was the one he was supposed to kill, he shot two or three babies, just to be sure. A cowardly moharebeh, worthy of the obscene Taliban”

'Abu Qatada Will Not Get A Fair Trial In Jordan, Claim Human Rights Experts
Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 12:47:29 in UK
“Well, true. It is the
business of the UK legal system to call other sovereign nations liars
and their justice systems inferior. If we don't protect any of their
criminals who manage to turn up here on forged passports, what else is
the law for?”

Malala Yousufzai, Teenage Pakistani Girl Activist, Attacked By Taliban
Commented Oct 9, 2012 at 11:45:41 in World
“The baby-killers are at
it again. But then, she did commit a horrid crime in their eyes: not
only did she ask to learn something - she didn't demand that what she
learned should dictated by them.”

States Deny Millions Of Ex-Felons Voting Rights
Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 22:53:57 in Black Voices
“Well of course they
are: it is a way to quash the liberal vote, since a liberal is a
conservative who has just been arrested. If liberals wish to retaliate, they should support stonger law
enforcement, since a conservative is a liberal who has just been mugged”

Supreme Court Looking At Affirmative Action In College Admissions
Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 22:42:30 in Politics
“"The university says
... that white students with lower scores also were admitted, while many
more minority students with higher scores than Fisher also were not
offered admission."
Therefore, the plaintiff was NOT denied admission solely on racist grounds, which makes this is a very complex case - and not one I would have picked to decide the issue of racist preferences.
Affirmative action is deliberately racist and sexist, designed to compensate for race-based and gender-based discrimination that affect the applicants long before they get to college age. The purpose is to give equality of opportunity, NOT equality of results. If, as it seems, the university's race-blind admissions were doing pretty well at creating a diverse student body, it is very hard to argue that the program is really necessary.
Finally, the damages could be very costly: compensating all rejected students (of any race) with higher scores for the difference between their costs to attend UT and the cost to attend the school where they ended up enrolling.
For these reasons, I'd expect a narrow rather than broad decision.”
Therefore, the plaintiff was NOT denied admission solely on racist grounds, which makes this is a very complex case - and not one I would have picked to decide the issue of racist preferences.
Affirmative action is deliberately racist and sexist, designed to compensate for race-based and gender-based discrimination that affect the applicants long before they get to college age. The purpose is to give equality of opportunity, NOT equality of results. If, as it seems, the university's race-blind admissions were doing pretty well at creating a diverse student body, it is very hard to argue that the program is really necessary.
Finally, the damages could be very costly: compensating all rejected students (of any race) with higher scores for the difference between their costs to attend UT and the cost to attend the school where they ended up enrolling.
For these reasons, I'd expect a narrow rather than broad decision.”

Linda McMahon Campaign Leaks HuffPost Reporter's Emails To Bolster Its Ethical Bona Fides
Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 03:40:59 in Politics
“Oh no! Politicians
covering journalists the same way that journalists cover politicians?
That's not fair. Aren't journalists supposed to be the only ones who are allowed to quote people out of context?”
That's not fair. Aren't journalists supposed to be the only ones who are allowed to quote people out of context?”
Hunt's Abortion Statements Are About Politics, Not Medicine
Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 06:10:20 in UK Politics
“As there is no
scientific reason to shorten the period when abortions are permitted,
the only reason to suggest that the period should be shortened seems to
be prejudice. Prejudice against those whose religious beliefs allow

Karl Watkin, The Millionaire Businessman On A Mission To Keep Terror Suspects In The UK
Commented Oct 6, 2012 at 04:19:37 in UK
“Rare: a man of principle who puts his money where his mouth is. One might object to his adding to the the cost of these extraditions, which are designed to outsource prosecution and imprisonment and save taxpayer funds better spent elsewhere - but we still save a million on the trial and 50k a year for subsequent incarceration, so we can probably afford it.”Subscribe to Posts [Atom]
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