Friday, 19 October 2012
Great Train Snobbery: Osborne sitting in First Class with standard class ticket · 20 October I see the anti-toff brigade are out again. A politician's staffer bought the wrong ticket, then paid for an upgrade on the train. This is news because anybody really cares, or because media plebs don't like people riding in first class (except, of course, themselves)? -
Government's Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell has resigned · 5 minutes ago
Interesting that the anti-toff brigade in the media can hound an elected official from office using only a disputed version of events that they did not witness.
Victory as soldiers' relatives told they can sue Government for negligence ·
The sacrifices our troops make are awesome, but now at least someone else can get paid money for them.
David Cameron demands crackdown on EU fatcats · 10 hours ago
Be nice for an enterprising journalist to report the percentage of the UK civil service on pay over 100k euros. I make it about 12%, on a quick scroll through various statistics and news articles, but I could be out a couple of percentage points either way.
Queen not amused by Health Secretary Hunt’s James Bond joke
Oh dear. Can't tell a joke? That's not good news for someone in government - any government.
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