Of course, Fiona. It is always someone else's fault, innit?
Friday, 26 October 2012
Fiona Phillips accuses former school of being 'rampant with hormones' and turning her into a 'vile teenager' in extraordinary rant -
Disgraced peer Conrad Black turns the air blue in rant at Jeremy Paxman
Well, of course he is right - but a bit churlish to say so in public.
Why The Jetsons is the most influential TV show of the 20th century
He may have a point. The ideas and gadgets in the Jetsons were VERY old hat in the 60's but, as a large portion of their audience would not or could not read, it may be the first exposure many had to them.
Scientologists launch landmark legal bid to overturn 'unfair' marriage laws in England
Interesting: what are the "essential ingredients of religious worship" under the law?
Ohio voting machines – brought to you by the Romneys · 2 days ago
Oh great. Now we need to examine the shareholdings of every voting machine company and, if there is a preponderance of one party or another, the machines will have to be thrown out - we can only keep them if shareholders are equally split between the parties?
Satyajit Das: So how long can the US hold the world to ransom with the dollar? ·
Interesting. It seems the US was (and is) doing the same thing that most OECD countries were (and are) doing, but the US was better at it because they are bigger.
The Euro problem arose because only some EU countries were doing this and the two or four EU countries who were not, now do not want to pay the bill for those who were. Greece could not have "held the world to ransom" with the drachma, but it has been able to hold Europe to ransom.
Do you think the threat of citing China as a currency manipulator is a tactic to ensure that China does not put IMF-like conditions on further bailouts of the US government. -
14-year-old girl dies of heart attack after drinking two cans of high-caffeine Monster Energy drink on consecutive days · 3 days ago
How many packets of crisps did she eat in those 2 days?
Austerity? Cameron warned over veto as Euro-MPs back above-inflation spending rise · 3 days ago
No! Politicians who want to spend more of someone else's money? Whoda thunk it?
What's all the snus about? Swedish MEP dealing snuff in Brussels · 3 days ago
Of course it is illegal to sell in the EU - it does not generate much in the way of tax revenue or lobbyist coddling of parliamentarians and bureaucrats. A thousand times less damaging than cigarettes? " So what," your representatives say.
Jo Brand: 'I'd like to be a national disgrace' · 5 days ago
It is always nice when someone achieves their goal.
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