Thursday 30 September 2021

Leader of Prestigious Yale Program Resigns, Citing Donor Pressure
But the administration disputed her claims that Yale had given in to donor pressure.
Nah. We get gifts of $250 million all the time. Why would we bow to people who might give us even more of their money.

I couldn’t date a Tory – politics is too important to ignore
Absolutely. Politics is the most important thing. More important than love. More important than feeding the kids, More important than climate change. More important than plastics in the ocean. But forgive me, if I can't see how anyone would date you.

One in six children in England suffering poor mental health
One in three journalists suffer from poor mental health.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

The U.K.’s Gas Crisis Is a Brexit Crisis, Too
 As virus restrictions ease and fuel runs short, the focus is shifting to Britain’s exit from the E.U.

‘Build back better, blah blah’: Greta Thunberg mocks Biden and Johnson in climate speech
She said: “They invite cherry-picked young people to pretend they are listening to us. But they are not.
“They are clearly not listening to us. Just look at the numbers. Emissions are still rising. The science doesn’t lie.

Rihanna is facing criticism and accusations of cultural appropriation after she had models who are not Black wearing their hair in braids.

Did they take their inspiration from Dutch Braids, or French Braids, or Scandinavian Braids. 
To say braids are 'black" is definitely cultural appropriation of the worst sort!
Every culture has used braids from time immemorial, 
Saying braids are 'black" is just racism.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

If climate provisions fall out Biden’s budget, people of color will pay
Yes. Only people of colour will pay. People of no colour will get off scot free. Right?

In R. Kelly verdict, Black women see long-overdue justice
Just black women?   What makes you so sure that white women don;t feel the same?

Thursday 23 September 2021

Gwen Ifill Was Right About ‘Missing White Woman Syndrome’
It is hard to say why some cases attract media attention and others do not
      The number of missing people does not seem to discriminate on Race.  The latest data from the FBI shows there were more than 600,000 people reported missing in 2018 in the U.S., and 40% of those people were people of colour. That’s about their percentage in the US population.   In 2020, the NCIC reported 543,018 missing people and 41% were people of colour. 
      What determines what is a nationwide story is complex, but I admit it is usually a white woman. The FBI has a file of 2021 unsolved kidnapping ( but none of these cases got the attention that Gabreille Petito did. Only one of the 9 was black. One case was Asian, one Amerindian, two Hispanics and four Whites.
      It seems there is a competition on who gets less coverage: Asians, Amerindians, Hispanics or Blacks.. Why did Lauren Cho, a 30-year-old Asian woman who went missing in California on June 28, not go nationwide?   Dawnita Wilherson, a black woman, went missing in July 2020, but no nationwide coverage. Khadijah Rose Britton, an Amerindian, woman disappeared in November of 2018 and the FBI is offering $10,000 for information, why didn't that go nation-wide?  
     Perhaps it was their participation in social media: none has the prolific presence of Petito.  Maybe black women who disappear do not have such a profile on social media? 

Sabina Nessa: Man, 38, arrested on suspicion of murder as police issue CCTV appeal
Here was a woman whose murder went national in the UK but did not seem to be a white woman.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Even while ballots were still being cast, Republicans were claiming the election was “rigged.” It was a baseless allegation — and a strange one considering Republicans performed relatively well under the same California election system in November, gaining four congressional seats.
The November election was "rigged" by the GOP.  
The GOP cheats and then accuses others of  "rigging" to take attention away from their own voted fraud.

The government cannot ignore Black mothers any longer
Diane is right about the UK statistics, but
      "half of white medical trainees in the US believe such myths as Black people have thicker skin or less sensitive nerve endings than white people. It would be foolish of us not to assume similar myths are widespread among healthcare staff in the UK."
        Of course there is no evidence of this, and assuming doesn't make it so.

Diane Abbott on race relations in UK
Well the UK is certainly racist, as is Boris Johnson, but is Diane Abbot?
Does she have any white people in her constituency?
How many articles does she write about them or make statements to the press about them?

Tuesday 14 September 2021

California’s Recall: What to Watch
If they succeed in recalling him, they can recall the next governor as well. How long will that take?

Michael Gove’s sexist jibes, racist jokes and homophobic slurs
So what? He will get away with it because he is a member of the Tory elite. 
It's not like he is a cricketer or something

Monday 13 September 2021

‘Their Crisis’ Is ‘Our Problem’: Washington Grapples With Idaho Covid Cases
Why does she want to kill her own citizens? She just doesn't care about Idahoans. She would rather be a RINOs that won't even save her own people.

False Election Claims in California Reveal a New Normal for G.O.P.
In an echo of 2020, Republicans are pushing baseless allegations of cheating in the state’s recall race even before Election Day.
Of course the GOP will cheat on the recall. They always cheat in every election.
Then they blame someone else to distract attention from their cheating.

The Last Night of the Proms: Jingoism or patriotism?=
One man's patriotism is another man's jingoism. This is just something for the entitled to be offended about.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Anti-vaxxers mock up leaflets imitating NHS documents and cartoon posters targeting children
There should be a Texas-style bounty for anyone who aids or abets an anti-vaxer
The Texas Abortion Law Creates a Kind of Bounty Hunter. Here’s How It Works.

Priti Patel accused of breaking rules over Heathrow meeting with billionaire businessman
When you are corrupt in this government, you can get away with it.

Louis Theroux: ‘Straight white men like me have been monopolising the conversation’
"Nobody has a monopoly on the absolute truth" just doesn't recognize cancel culture, who think they do have a monopoly on absolute truth.
       says Theroux. “I’m giving myself a great big pat on the back," which is what straight white people do when they have done something they think is woke.  

Friday 10 September 2021

Analysis: Biden’s war on virus becomes war on unvaccinated
I certainly hope so, They want to kill me.  
I think there should be a $10,000 bounty for anyone who aids or abets an anti-vaxer.

$10 Billion in Student Debt Erased Under Biden, but Calls Grow for More
Yes! Give me more of other people's money. I much prefer spending it than my own money.

We’ve got a cabinet of dunces in charge of the country
So what's new with that? Been that way since Gordon Brown.

Tuesday 7 September 2021


Two decades after 9/11, Muslim Americans still fighting bias

Perhaps it has something to do with ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Gama'a al-Islamiyyaslamic Jihad GroupJaish-e-MohammedAl-Aqsa Martyrs' BrigadesJemaah Islamiya organizationAnsar al-IslamIslamic Jihad UnionHarkat-ul-Jihad al-IslamiAl-ShabaabIndian MujahideenAnsar al-Shari'a, for a start.
     It's like we told the Catholic church (or protestant ones, for that matter) who molest children: Clean Your Own House if you don't want bias.

Virginia is set to remove Richmond’s Lee statue on Wednesday
We wouldn't want anyone to know that we were once a racist state.  Let's keep that quiet, right?

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