Tuesday 7 September 2021


Two decades after 9/11, Muslim Americans still fighting bias

Perhaps it has something to do with ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Gama'a al-Islamiyyaslamic Jihad GroupJaish-e-MohammedAl-Aqsa Martyrs' BrigadesJemaah Islamiya organizationAnsar al-IslamIslamic Jihad UnionHarkat-ul-Jihad al-IslamiAl-ShabaabIndian MujahideenAnsar al-Shari'a, for a start.
     It's like we told the Catholic church (or protestant ones, for that matter) who molest children: Clean Your Own House if you don't want bias.

Virginia is set to remove Richmond’s Lee statue on Wednesday
We wouldn't want anyone to know that we were once a racist state.  Let's keep that quiet, right?


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