Wednesday 15 September 2021

Even while ballots were still being cast, Republicans were claiming the election was “rigged.” It was a baseless allegation — and a strange one considering Republicans performed relatively well under the same California election system in November, gaining four congressional seats.
The November election was "rigged" by the GOP.  
The GOP cheats and then accuses others of  "rigging" to take attention away from their own voted fraud.

The government cannot ignore Black mothers any longer
Diane is right about the UK statistics, but
      "half of white medical trainees in the US believe such myths as Black people have thicker skin or less sensitive nerve endings than white people. It would be foolish of us not to assume similar myths are widespread among healthcare staff in the UK."
        Of course there is no evidence of this, and assuming doesn't make it so.

Diane Abbott on race relations in UK
Well the UK is certainly racist, as is Boris Johnson, but is Diane Abbot?
Does she have any white people in her constituency?
How many articles does she write about them or make statements to the press about them?


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