Monday 13 September 2021

‘Their Crisis’ Is ‘Our Problem’: Washington Grapples With Idaho Covid Cases
Why does she want to kill her own citizens? She just doesn't care about Idahoans. She would rather be a RINOs that won't even save her own people.

False Election Claims in California Reveal a New Normal for G.O.P.
In an echo of 2020, Republicans are pushing baseless allegations of cheating in the state’s recall race even before Election Day.
Of course the GOP will cheat on the recall. They always cheat in every election.
Then they blame someone else to distract attention from their cheating.

The Last Night of the Proms: Jingoism or patriotism?=
One man's patriotism is another man's jingoism. This is just something for the entitled to be offended about.


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