Saturday, 30 January 2021

‘It’s censorship’: Journalist arrested after photographing protest outside controversial asylum camp
Can you say "police state." Brexshit allows us to do whatever we want to journalists.

Ilhan Omar hits out at Wall Street: ‘If they cut off the public, send them to prison’
She has a point. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else.
Any short-seller knows the risks: they got what they deserved, full stop.

Thursday, 28 January 2021

GOP tested anew by Georgia congresswoman's Facebook activity 
 “Many posts have been liked. Many posts have been shared. Some did not represent my views.”
I wrote them, but they don't express my views.  Uhuh, right.

9-Year Sentence for Man Who Threatened to Kill President Trump
Does that mean that Marjorie Taylor Greene will also be indicted?

How will Joe Biden’s press secretary differ from her white house predecessors
She will tell the truth?

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Ethnic minority communities are reluctant to get vaccine after years of distrust and discrimination
Taking a vaccination would mean that BAME people aren't discriminated against in vaccines.
It would mean that BAME people would NOT die of corona virus more than white people.
You cannot fix stupid: trust the science.

Monday, 25 January 2021

Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Run for Arkansas Governor
At least they know what they are getting: a liar.

Trump wants to set up ‘MAGA party’ to challenge Republicans who voted to impeach him
What a good idea: Do it, Donnie.

Feds probing threats aimed at Congress members as Trump impeachment trial nears, official says
Sounds like a good MAGAts idea.

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Arizona G.O.P. Censures Three Top Members Criticized by Trump Loyalists
The party rebuked Gov. Doug Ducey, former Senator Jeff Flake and Cindy McCain, criticized by some Trump supporters as insufficiently loyal to the former president.
They don't follow the cult of Trump, so when thinks go badly wrong, they may not drink the Koolaid

Trump ally Tom Cotton accused of making misleading claims about military service
It was both, actually. He was in combat in both countries. This is a smear campaign by pedants.
Soldiers who finish the course are allowed to wear a Ranger tab on their uniform

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Top Honor for a Margaret Court Views Draws Outrage
" sparked outrage in many corners of the country."
Which corners are those?

As A Woman Of Colour, I'm Thinking Of Leaving The Country
I can understand that.
Do you think that any country where Muslims are in the majority would be better?

Friday, 22 January 2021

UK retailers consider burning goods stuck in EU as costs of some items soar
British shoppers hit with unexpectedly high fees on products from EU after Brexit
One shopper was asked to pay £77 in tax on £245 of clothes bought from a French website, The Times reports.
Well, you voted for it.

BBC spends more than £1.1m on legal fees in equal-pay and race-inequality cases
Outrageous, They should just give in on all discrimination suits. No one would lie, would they?

Thursday, 21 January 2021

What lies behind Theresa May’s extraordinary attack on Boris Johnson?
Well, there is all of John Rentoul arguments, plus the fact that May is correct: 
Boris has abandoned moral leadership. As Boris has proven many times in his career, he does not care about anything by winning. Moral leadership, amoral leadership: "who cares?", says Boris.

Biden Has a Peloton Bike. That Raises Issues at the White House.
But the Peloton tablets have built-in cameras and microphones that allow users to see and hear one another if they choose
If they choose.  So you turn that feature off.    This is not rocket science.
Vogue Will Print Second Kamala Harris Cover After Backlash To 'Disrespectful' Original
Jesus, people, get a life

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

The Trump business backlash: Corporate ‘woke-washing’ or new era?
It is easier and less risky for companies to suspend political donations just after an election cycle ends when they typically give less money to politicians anyway. It’s also easy to denounce Republicans after learning Democrats would control the White House and both houses of Congress after emerging victories in the Senate run-off elections in Georgia this month.
    Firms also tend to behave themselves a lot more when they’re worried about political intervention.... with calls from progressive Democrats for Biden to implement stricter regulations and more government oversight over big business.   Depending on what happens with that regulatory front, and what happens if the Democrats hold onto the House and Senate, you could see companies go back to their old ways as soon as they don’t feel threatened anymore.

Phil Spector: BBC apologises for calling murderer ‘talented but flawed’
Are they apologising because they called him "talented" or because they called him "flawed"? 
Perhaps they do not think that murdering someone is a "flawed" thing to do. 
Perhaps they think that murdering someone means you can never have talent in any other area.
Or is it that some people just WANT to be offended.

Test And Trace Paying Nearly A Million Pounds A Day To Consultants Deloitte
I think it is called either "incompetence" or "corruption"

Exclusive: Government Won’t Say If £1bn Of PPE Ever Reached The NHS

The information blackout has reignited anger over the government’s handling of supplies for the NHS.

Because they have no bloody idea or because one of their mates took the money.

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Raab claims trade deal is ‘great’ for fishermen amid chaos and anger
Raab claims trade deal is ‘great’ for fishermen...
Well, they voted for it. You make your bed, you sometimes have to lie in it.

Parler CEO: 'No indication' Big Tech shutdown threats were 'deadly serious'
We at Parler couldn't believe it: we thought that one or two would allow us to spew lies and incitement to violence, but they all decided it our site was too toxic and would get them sued despite Section 230. Well, what do you expect from lawyers.

Why President-elect Biden's energy plans could derail the American Dream
Absolutely. Our kids and grandkids can deal with any problems we cause. As long as we live our lives the way we want to, who cares about the environment. Let future generations worry about it, it will give them something to do

Pixar’s ‘Soul’ Has a Black Hero. In Denmark, a White Actor Dubs the Voice.
This fueled a debate about structural racism and fanned anger about stereotyping and prejudice in European-language voice-overs, even when films have main characters of color.
Well absolutely. Only black actors should be able to dub black voices and only white actors should be able to play Shakespeare (except for Othello). Only Jews should play Shylock. Anything else is cultural appropriation, right?

Out-Of-Work Waitress Excited To See Congress Spend Time Impeaching Trump Again
According to experts, there are millions of struggling Americans-- many of whom are completely destitute-- wondering where their next Trump impeachment is coming from.

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Trump says that 'no true supporter' of his could endorse political violence

Gosh! That means there are a lot of not-true supporters, like those at is rallies, not to mention the Proud Boys who he told to stand by.

Why did we think they supported him when he says they didn't.

I mean the people of: Washington on January 6th 2021, Dallton on January 4, 2021, Valdosta on December 5, 2020 OR Fayetteville, Scranton, Kenosha and Grand Rapids, Washington, Dubuque and Opa-locka in November OR Green Bay, Rochester, Tampa, Omaha, Lansing, Martinsburg, Allentown, Pensacola, Prescott in October

Trump did say in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? But that's not violent, it it?

Trump said attacks on protesters were “very, very appropriate” and the kind of action “we need a little bit more of.”  But that's not violent, it it?

At a rally in Montana, Trump celebrated Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte, who body-slammed a reporter in May 2017, telling the crowd, “Any guy who can do a body-slam ... he’s my guy.” But that's not violent, it it?

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Trump’s Second Impeachment Will Be An Impeachment Like No Other
Knowing Trump, this will be the best impeachment ever. 
The biggest impeachment in the history of the world.
This impeachment will be a stable genius of impeachments.

Parler CEO calls censorship of his social media platform 'sick' and 'evil'
Because, when it comes to a place for planning riots and insurrection, this site is best.
As Bill Gates pointed out, it is also a great place to be a holocaust denier. Or a climate change denier. Or a benefit of GM foods denier. In short, this site is un-American and un-patriotic. Indeed, it is just like Donnie Trump.
Why shouldn't it be allowed to operate unfettered.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Republicans’ Ominous Warnings About Donald Trump Now Haunt Them In CNN Supercut
Nice One!

Parler on 'shocking' restrictions by Amazon, Apple and Google: 'You never think it will happen'
You thought the rules were for someone else, didn't you. Those rules weren't meant for me because I am above honouring any contract I make. I expect to go on doing whatever it is that I want, and no one has the right to stop me.

Michael McCormack Stands By His Comparison Of US Capitol Riots To BLM Protests

Australia's deputy prime minister said 'violence is violence'.

Good for him.  Violence IS violence, regardless of how justified the cause.

Melania Trump’s self-pitying statement about the Capitol tells us what she’s planning next
This article seems like the salacious gossip she was complaining about.

How White Evangelical Christians Fused With Trump Extremism
"....has only fueled a deeper sense of victimhood and being misunderstood."
They are trying to win the "I'm a greater victim than you are" contest.   That seem to be the only contest that matters in modern-day America.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Amazon Web drops Parler over posts ‘inciting violence’ after Capitol riot
Geez! "Parler" These guys don't even speak English!
What was wrong with "to talk"Good riddance to a French site.
Anyway, what is wrong with inciting to riot: I hear it is a favorite tactic of Donnie Trump, our Fueher.

Jason Chaffetz: To prevent voter fraud, reject Pelosi effort to set election rules nationally

Pelosi is not the only one. Senator Rick Scott (R-Fl) also doesn't believe in states rights and wants to rewrite the constitution when it comes to election laws.

Rick Scott Nesletter: “In September, I introduced the VOTER Act, which would address systemic problems in voting systems across the country and rebuild trust in our electoral process. It would ... institute measures to ensure timely results and create uniform national standards for voting by mail. '

Twitter wastes no time suspending Trump after only 1449 days of hate-speech and harmful fake news Popular social media Twitter has wasted no time in addressing Donald Trump’s use of the platform to spread hate, far-right misinformation and incite a failed armed insurrection by leaping into action and suspending his account just 1449 short days after he started.

Can Twitter Legally Bar Trump? The First Amendment Says Yes
Trump does not believe in the first amendment or any other part of the constitution that doesn't let him do exactly as he pleases.
Kirstie Alley condemns Twitter for banning Trump in series of tweets

Geez, Kirstie Alley, you don't think companies have a right to free speech?

If someone mis-behaved in your bar, would you 86 them or not?

Trainer Barred in New York and Other States for Giving Horse a Racist Name
He called the horse "Grape Soda".   Are there any other food groups that are racist?
I suppose "Oreo" is out as racist and "Watermelon" is a definite no-no. "Collard Greens?

Saturday, 9 January 2021


Biden says Cruz, Hawley part of ‘big lie’ -- while senators claim they are being called Nazis
But they are part of the big lie, and the only reason is to get campaign contributions.
This is not party over country, Cruz and Hawley are about self over both party and country. 
Spreading lies is okay, as long as it makes them money. Their constituents? Who cares?
I liked the comment: "If you don't want to be called a Nazi, stop acting like a Nazi. Easy-Peasy."

Hawley defends his decision to object to Congress’s certification of the election results.
Mr. Hawley argued that the electoral count in Congress was the proper venue to debate his concerns about fraud in the balloting, though he never made a specific charge of wrongdoing.   
In other words, he has no evidence he just sees it as a way to big-note himself and get campaign contributions.   

Friday, 8 January 2021

These Are the Rioters Who Stormed the Nation’s Capitol'
Trump’s coup attempt looks like it was planned by the same guy who did our Covid response: incompetence personified.  
It is sad to see the US sink to the level of a third world country. Venezuela springs to mind: if it looks like you are losing, rough up the opposition.   
Might makes right, and Donnie’s coup attempt has shown us just how mighty he isn’t.

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz blames Antifa for skidmark attack in his underwear
    Congressman Matt Gaetz has today launched a blistering attack on leftist agitators Antifa, insisting they were directly responsible for the mess he made of his most recent underwear.
    Gaetz, a loyal supporter of Donald Trump, said that the ‘lamestream’ media would have you believe that he alone was responsible for the skidmarks inside his own underpants, despite it being blatantly clear to everyone who loves America that there is no way that is possible.
    “Antifa is a pernicious and devious organisation of violent leftists who will stop at nothing to destroy the patriotic underwear of anyone associated with Donald Trump. “Their disgusting behaviour knows no bounds, even if that means soiling the underwear of proud Trump supports like me.
    “It’s obvious to anyone not blinded by the fake news media that I would obviously not soil my own underwear, that’s just not something Trump supporters do – obviously it was Antifa. “The very fact that they were not seen in the vicinity of my underwear, and took no credit for the attack, is further evidence that it was definitely them.

D.C. Police Lose Control Of Rioting Trump Supporters After Hundreds Of Officers Called Away To Deal With Black Jaywalker 

Trump’s Twitter 'Hostage Video' Is Weird, Even By His Standards
What a bunch of crap! Now he wants to walk back on it: too late, too late.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Jacob Rees-Mogg ‘ignored government guidance’ by crossing Covid tiers to attend church
Oh so what? He knows he is above the law. You think he is not? More fool you [and me too].


Not one of the Republican officeholders objecting to Biden's victory have objected to their own wins on the same day on the same ballots using the same election systems.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

This is criminal solicitation to commit a felony under Georgia law
Trump made vague threats against Raffensperger and the secretary of state’s general counsel Ryan Germany....
Mitchell and Hilbert backed Trump and Meadows in their repeated demand for information about voters, including their voter IDs and registrations. This is voter data to which, by law, they cannot have access. (When Germany answered that the state is prohibited from sharing that information, Trump retorted: “Well, you have to.”)

Monday, 4 January 2021

‘Whining and complaining’: Biden doesn’t understand why Trump wants to keep his job
President-elect Joe Biden says the outgoing chief executive spends most of his time “whining and complaining” rather than doing the work of his office

Trump Call to Georgia Official Might Violate State and Federal Law
   What he did clearly violates Georgia statutes,  aa a state law that makes it illegal for anyone who “solicits, requests, commands, importunes or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage” in election fraud.
   At the federal level, anyone who “knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a state of a fair and impartially conducted election process” is breaking the law.
   It not only violates the law, it is treason

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s made-up claims of fake Georgia votes By HOPE YEN, JEFF AMY and MICHAEL BALSAMO

President Donald Trump put forth a dizzying array of fuzzy accounting and outright false claims in an extraordinary phone call to Georgia’s secretary of state seeking a reversal of his election defeat, fabricating a slew of votes that he said should’ve been counted in his favor. 
 They were all crap and the next thing to treason.

Friday, 1 January 2021

I voted for Brexit – but not for this
     Anybody with the sense that god gave a goose knew that the Brexiteers were lying though their teeth, but we would rather damage ourselves than risk some European court over-ruling our petty whims. We got just what we voted for.
     The Boris deal is worse than the Teressa deal, but that is not saying much, since both were disasters. We did not not put the final deal to a confirmation vote because the deal dis-advantages us in every way; economically, politically, culturally and in our standing in the world. It would not have passed if the Brexiteers got two votes each.
    Of course, the deal may see the breakup of the UK, but what is that compared to the Tories being proud that they screwed us?

Trump Crows That ‘Everybody’s Calling To Thank Me’ For COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Miracle’
Why is this news? You must really like Trump to give him so much coverage.

I wonder what the originators of these ideas get out of this?

1. The Coronavirus Isn’t Real
Despite overflowing morgues and hospitals, mass grave sites and desperate warnings from leading public health authorities, a section of the population still believes the virus doesn’t really exist, or that it’s no more dangerous than the flu. An Axios-Ipsos poll revealed that 31% of Americans believed that the reported toll of U.S. coronavirus deaths was being inflated.

2. The ‘Plandemic’ Was Orchestrated By Powerful Elites
A month after Plandemic’s video release, a Pew Research survey found that a quarter of American adults were convinced that there was at least some truth to the claim that powerful elites had intentionally planned the pandemic. QAnon believes the virus was engineered as a bioweapon to hurt Trump’s re-election chances.

3. Doctors And Scientists Are Hiding The Cure

A group of people in white lab coats calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors” staged a press conference on the steps of Capitol Hill, during which they accused doctors nationwide of withholding a cure for COVID-19: the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine. The group claimed that the numerous clinical trials showing that the drug offers no benefits to coronavirus patients and poses unnecessary risks are “fake science” funded by “fake pharma companies.” One of America’s Frontline Doctors’, Stella Immanuel, has warned against having sex with demons and cautioned that watching Harry Potter films makes society “accept demonic activity and witchcraft as normal.”

4. 5G Wireless Technology Causes COVID-19

Around the world, growing numbers of people are convinced that 5G — the next generation wireless network technology — is responsible for the coronavirus crisis. As evidence, they point to the pre-pandemic installation of 5G towers in Wuhan, China, where the global outbreak originated. Many have also incorrectly speculated that exposure to 5G frequencies weakens people’s immune systems, making them more likely to die from COVID-19

5. Bill Gates Wants To Vaccinate, Microchip And Track You

Gates has been at the heart of a dizzying number of conspiracy theories this year. Chief among them is that he will somehow inject recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine with location-tracking devices, prompting fact-checking groups to publish such asinine posts as, “No, Bill Gates isn’t partnering with ID companies to implant microchips in humans.” A stunning 44% of Republicans believe the microchip conspiracy theory is true, aYahoo News/YouGov poll found in May.

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