Tuesday, 19 January 2021

The Trump business backlash: Corporate ‘woke-washing’ or new era?
It is easier and less risky for companies to suspend political donations just after an election cycle ends when they typically give less money to politicians anyway. It’s also easy to denounce Republicans after learning Democrats would control the White House and both houses of Congress after emerging victories in the Senate run-off elections in Georgia this month.
    Firms also tend to behave themselves a lot more when they’re worried about political intervention.... with calls from progressive Democrats for Biden to implement stricter regulations and more government oversight over big business.   Depending on what happens with that regulatory front, and what happens if the Democrats hold onto the House and Senate, you could see companies go back to their old ways as soon as they don’t feel threatened anymore.

Phil Spector: BBC apologises for calling murderer ‘talented but flawed’
Are they apologising because they called him "talented" or because they called him "flawed"? 
Perhaps they do not think that murdering someone is a "flawed" thing to do. 
Perhaps they think that murdering someone means you can never have talent in any other area.
Or is it that some people just WANT to be offended.

Test And Trace Paying Nearly A Million Pounds A Day To Consultants Deloitte
I think it is called either "incompetence" or "corruption"

Exclusive: Government Won’t Say If £1bn Of PPE Ever Reached The NHS

The information blackout has reignited anger over the government’s handling of supplies for the NHS.

Because they have no bloody idea or because one of their mates took the money.


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