Sunday, 10 January 2021

Amazon Web drops Parler over posts ‘inciting violence’ after Capitol riot
Geez! "Parler" These guys don't even speak English!
What was wrong with "to talk"Good riddance to a French site.
Anyway, what is wrong with inciting to riot: I hear it is a favorite tactic of Donnie Trump, our Fueher.

Jason Chaffetz: To prevent voter fraud, reject Pelosi effort to set election rules nationally

Pelosi is not the only one. Senator Rick Scott (R-Fl) also doesn't believe in states rights and wants to rewrite the constitution when it comes to election laws.

Rick Scott Nesletter: “In September, I introduced the VOTER Act, which would address systemic problems in voting systems across the country and rebuild trust in our electoral process. It would ... institute measures to ensure timely results and create uniform national standards for voting by mail. '

Twitter wastes no time suspending Trump after only 1449 days of hate-speech and harmful fake news Popular social media Twitter has wasted no time in addressing Donald Trump’s use of the platform to spread hate, far-right misinformation and incite a failed armed insurrection by leaping into action and suspending his account just 1449 short days after he started.

Can Twitter Legally Bar Trump? The First Amendment Says Yes
Trump does not believe in the first amendment or any other part of the constitution that doesn't let him do exactly as he pleases.
Kirstie Alley condemns Twitter for banning Trump in series of tweets

Geez, Kirstie Alley, you don't think companies have a right to free speech?

If someone mis-behaved in your bar, would you 86 them or not?

Trainer Barred in New York and Other States for Giving Horse a Racist Name
He called the horse "Grape Soda".   Are there any other food groups that are racist?
I suppose "Oreo" is out as racist and "Watermelon" is a definite no-no. "Collard Greens?


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