Wednesday, 27 August 2014
"Judge Blames Poor Rape Conviction Statistics On Female
Inebriation" says the lead-in headline.
Well, Huffpo, actually she didn't. She said that women who were excessively
inebriated and had poor recall of the event had a harder time winning their
case in a he said / she said contest.
Meanwhile, Ms Russel
proposes two VERY, VERY scary changes to our judicial system: 1) If a person is
incapacitated through drink or drugs then he is not capable of being held
responsible for his actions and 2) the legal responsibility is on the
defendants to prove themselves innocent, not on the accusers to prove them
Tax dodging is illegal. Following the law to minimize the amount
of tax one pays is both legal and something that most of us do once each year.
Of course Republican and Democratic congress people profited from companies doing this: it is one of the reasons why they wrote the laws that way.
Of course Republican and Democratic congress people profited from companies doing this: it is one of the reasons why they wrote the laws that way.
Pope Francis to China: Why not? You do.
There is a group of starving homeless. If you take them into
your home, they will survive. If not they will die. It costs you 1300 quid a
year to feed each one. How many will you accept?
What will you tell the 10th person who applies?
What will you tell the 100th?
the 1000th?
is just lazy journalists. If they really were hot on this topic, they'd have
interviewed Him long ago. If god really wanted anyone to believe, He'd have granted
the interview.
"the only solution is for the Mexican government to
provide Central American migrants with some form of document allowing them to
travel freely through the country"
That is: the only
solution is for Mexico to ignore its own laws and do what non-citizens tell it
to do.
And the only
solution for the US is to take in and care for people who are too cowardly or
too lazy to change their own country for the better.
Apparently, they are willing to “risk life
and limb” to run away, but will not do the same to change their own
country. Rather than stop the violence
and poverty at home, they export it to other countries.
I remember that: people putting Christians in arm locks and
holding guns to their heads to FORCE them to deny their beliefs. Happens all
the time, right?
“this baby-faced schoolboy is believed to
be one of the Islamic State's youngest jihadists”
ISIS are NOT jihadi, they are haram
perverters of Islam.
ISIS are mohareb and Allah will judge them harshly.
Gosh, you mean he carried on while being accused of something he
didn't do?
Drat! There went that mode of silencing people we don't agree with. I thought one could simply accuse someone of something and that would take them out of the picture until the investigation was completed.
Drat! There went that mode of silencing people we don't agree with. I thought one could simply accuse someone of something and that would take them out of the picture until the investigation was completed.
PS: Good on ya, Shirley. You've done
good work.
AND set a good example along the way.
AND set a good example along the way.
Thank you, Mr Amin, for your thoughtful ideas.
I agree that it
is the mosques and imams who have failed the young generation of Muslims, not
to mention the general Muslim community. Both remain strangely silent in the
face of atrocities committed by mohareb perverters of the faith.
It is hard to
know whether this springs from 1) fear, 2) apathy, 3) indifference or 4) a
secret feeling that infidels are getting what they deserve
Ooooh! I wonder if any jet jockeys from the US, Russia, EU,
China or some other country have ever done this before?
Friday, 22 August 2014
Should there be all-women shortlists? 22 Aug 2014 10:24
Only if one is a sexist. The whole point of feminism is to create an equal opportunity, not a slanted playing field where people are selected on the basis of their gender, race, colour or creed.
Only if one is a sexist. The whole point of feminism is to create an equal opportunity, not a slanted playing field where people are selected on the basis of their gender, race, colour or creed.
One in five visitors to Swiss assisted-dying clinics from Britain 21 Aug 2014 07:47Shame on you, Guardian: "suicide tourists" is a particularly tasteless and insensitive way to describe terminally ill people who are seeking surcease from pain and suffering. Shame on you, Guardian, shame on you.
22 August
Doctor's on the cheap" is very biased way of describing having a triage system that allows minor cases to be dealt with by competent trained professionals, passing more complex cases up to physicians and specialists. I think the Indie's agenda is showing.
No one has suggested that Physician Associates be called doctors, nor that they will provide services that require a doctor to provide.
I'd like to see how many Indie journalists passed.
22 August
Ah, the inquisition. Isn't it amazing to see organized bigotry and racism in action?
The face veil is is offensive to local cultural values in a secular, gender-equal society. Wearing it shows either pig ignorance or a deliberate intent to insult.
Lifting the veil is also an insult, so it seems we have two extremely insensitive or deliberately nasty people involved in this incident.
Lifting the veil is also an insult, so it seems we have two extremely insensitive or deliberately nasty people involved in this incident.
Hey, Nigel's mum didn't raise a fool: he has a policy that sound populist but helps both the bottom half (no tax until minimum wage exceeeded) and the top half (raise the 40p rate). Sounds like a vote winner to me. Of course he now has to figure apout how to pay for it.
Seems that the EU are the ones getting upset about vacuum cleaners
The whiners are objecting to being told what to do.
Try not to let your political agenda get in front of the news, Huffpo.
Labour MP Austin Mitchell Says Women Shy Away From 'Big Issues'
Commented 20 Aug 2014 at 05:30:28 in UK Politics

Islamic State Could Attack West In Response To Air Strikes, Terror Expert Warns
Commented 19 Aug 2014 at 12:31:32 in UK Politics

Melissa George Claims Australian Television Network Seven Called Her 'Aussie B*tch', Before Her On-Air Meltdown
Commented 19 Aug 2014 at 04:07:47 in UK Entertainment

'Desperate' Tilbury Docks Migrants Now Claiming Asylum, As Dead Man Named As Meet Singh Kapoor
Commented 19 Aug 2014 at 03:57:32 in UK

Scotland Could Use The Pound Without Bank Of England's Support After Independence, Alex Salmond Says
Commented 18 Aug 2014 at 16:21:08 in UK Politics

Julian Assange Says He Will Leave Ecuadorian Embassy 'Soon' After Reports Of Ill-Health
Commented 18 Aug 2014 at 11:24:10 in UK

Iraqi Christians Abandoned By Cameron Over Immigration Fears, Says Church Of England
Commented 17 Aug 2014 at 23:00:34 in UK

Hackney Heroine Pauline Pearce Slams Lib Dems' 'Neanderthal' Diversity Views
Commented 17 Aug 2014 at 19:45:46 in UK Politics

Alex Salmond Is Not Impressed With Australia's 'Bewildering' Independence Suggestions
Commented 17 Aug 2014 at 09:05:38 in UK Politics

Muslim Ukip Member, Ismail Patel, Defects To George Galloway's Respect Party Over Gaza Racism Claims
Commented 17 Aug 2014 at 03:05:10 in UK Politics

Jewish Chronicle Apologises After Readers Object To Gaza DEC Appeal Advert
Commented 17 Aug 2014 at 02:53:18 in UK

Travelodge Has Made A Decision To Remove Bibles That Could Really Upset Christians
Commented 17 Aug 2014 at 02:26:13 in UK

Tilbury Docks Horror As Man Dies After Over 30 Found Crammed In Essex Container
Commented 16 Aug 2014 at 18:56:28 in UK

The End (Of Summer) Is Nigh! 'Biblical' Downpours Flood Britain
Commented 14 Aug 2014 at 22:32:47 in UK

'Impossible' Asteroid 1950DA Could Be Heading For Earth
Commented 14 Aug 2014 at 15:42:26 in UK Tech
Monday, 11 August 2014

Amal Alamuddin, George Clooney's Fiancée, Turns Down Chance To Serve On UN Human Rights Council Inquiry Into Gaza
Commented 12 Aug 2014 at 04:18:39 in UK

Baroness Warsi Warns Cameron The Tories Can't Win Next Election
Commented 10 Aug 2014 at 05:06:51 in UK Politics
Gosh. You mean he only claimed what he spent? Sounds like an honest politician, then, despite your attempt to twist this into a negative story.
- All these folks bought cheaper, higher mileage vehicles and you think this is a BAD thing? What planet did you hail from, originally?Still, you are right to point out that ALL subsidies are a drag on the economy, which is why we should get rid of the welfare handdouts to coal, oil, gas, steel, airlines, agribusiness and banks.
- What has Mr Graham done to stop ISIS? Jack all?
Typical = the boy is all hat and no cattle.- Actually, Reich makes some good points about the problem of income inequality. If he donated 1/2 of his salary to redistribute the wealth, there might be a better chance that we would listen to his solutions. "Do as I say, not as I do" is not a convincing argument.Odd, however, to see Fox News whining about how much someone earns. I though the politics of envy were for MSNBC
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