Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Michelle Mone Slams ‘Dragons' Den' Bosses: ‘They Won't Ask Me On The Show Because I'm A Woman'
Commented Jul 20, 2014 at 05:02:40 in UK Entertainment
The 'scroungers’ fight back: The welfare claimants battling to alter stereotypes
Good for them: not for trying to boost their images, but for the work they do to contribute to their community. These are the kind of people we need in this society, whether working or on welfare.“I think there is a minority that are milking it, but that’s the story that sells, so it’s the only one you hear about in newspapers and on television.”
Spot on. It is a hallmark of our biased media that it is very unusual to get a positive story in the press - whether about those on benefits or about any other subject at all.
“A mum with a partner gets the right to stay at home and look after the kids and bake cakes and go to pre-school without being judged. But mums on their own are seen as sitting on their backside claiming benefits. "
The first mum does it at her own expense, the second does it at someone else's expense.
- To solve immigration crisis Obama, Congress must begin with border security Probably right. Okay, any real solutions requires doing several things at once. However, one has to work with what there is, and this congress is far too stupid and lazy to do more than one thing at a time.Starting with border security and delaying the rest of the things that are necessary will make the problem grow bigger and last longer, but the legislature doesn't care. Actually solving the problem will win few votes and even less press ccoverage, but holier-than-thou posturing gets lots of both.
- Poverty, environment, even traffic fatalities: UN’s sweeping sustainable development goals aim to fix everything -- on paper "Their efforts were supplemented by inputs from what the U.N. calls “major groups” of civil society, meaning industrial and labor associations, as well as thousands of non-government organizations"
Friday, 18 July 2014

Reshuffle: 6 Ways Cameron's 'Rise Of The Women' Is A Damp Squib
Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 08:10:51 in UK Politics

Daily Mail Slammed For 'Heinously Sexist' Cabinet Reshuffle Coverage
Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 07:52:15 in UK
Legal aid in civil cases should be limited to citizens and resident taxpayers.
I can see no reason to give support to non-contributing foreigners
I can see no reason to give support to non-contributing foreigners
What? They are giving women and younger people what they asked for?
How dare they?
How dare they?
About time we replaced him with someone who favours the teachers more than the students. Remember: most students don't vote.
- GOP rep calls Petraeus probe 'perplexing and suspicious' Remember, no American need die in vain: their deaths can be used to score petty party political points.
- Seems simple: California is perfecty within its rights to ban a practice they do not agree with. The state is NOT within its rights to ban the practice in other states, nor to prevent residents of those states from marketing products made by use of that practice to Californians. This is precisely what the interstate commerce clause is about: otherwise there will be a series of state by state restrictions that say: if you don't make it our way, you can't sell it here.
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

BBC Journalists To Strike On First Day Of Commonwealth Games
Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 18:06:12 in UK

60% Of 'Bedroom Tax' Houses In Arrears Due To Cut In Benefits
Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 18:03:55 in UK

These Israelis Eat Popcorn At 'Sderot Cinema' As They Watch Bombs Fall On Gaza
Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 05:06:35 in UK

MPs Need Ethics Training In Honesty And Accountability, Committee Says
Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 04:46:17 in UK Politics
Indy 15/7/2014
PS Kids: It is okay to plaigerize wholesale if you "lose the link to the original." You do not need attribute, to put the passage in qutoes or even to acknowledge its author.
PPS: If you are a journalist, you do not need to trace the author (Kimberley Hord Hurst, a primary school teacher in Isanti Minnesota) even though it only takes 5 minutes to find her.
PPS: If you are a journalist, you do not need to trace the author (Kimberley Hord Hurst, a primary school teacher in Isanti Minnesota) even though it only takes 5 minutes to find her.
About time we replaced him with someone who cares more about teachers than about students. Remember: most students don't vote.
It is unclear to me whether this legislation reqires the the government to tell ANYONE when it orders a telecom company to release customer data. Not only no judicial oversight, but no oversight at all?
Monday, 14 July 2014

MPs Need Ethics Training In Honesty And Accountability: Standards Committee
Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 04:46:17 in UK Politics

Israel Warns Residents In Northern Gaza To Leave Their Homes Ahead Of Heavy Strikes
Commented Jul 13, 2014 at 01:07:19 in UK

We Should Give Up Encouraging Girls To Do Science, Says Glasgow University Professor Dr Gijsbert Stoet
Commented Jul 13, 2014 at 01:03:13 in UK

Cheney Is STILL Trying To Find A Link Between Saddam And Al-Qaeda
Commented Jul 13, 2014 at 00:56:43 in UK

George Galloway Doubles Pay Packet With Appearances On Russia Today And Al-Mayadeen
Commented Jul 12, 2014 at 02:30:43 in UK

George Clooney Issues Scathing Rebuke Of Daily Mail's Apology For 'Fabricated' Story
Commented Jul 11, 2014 at 04:37:59 in UK

Should We Be Offering Thousands More People NHS Weight Loss Surgery?
Commented Jul 11, 2014 at 04:29:29 in UK

Hijabs: University's Last Taboo? Muslim Students On Stereotyping And Discrimination
Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 15:46:42 in UK Universities & Education
I have no sympathy for those who would deny themselves healthcare so that they might continue to break the law with impunity.
I do understand the concern for public health risk: building potential pools of epidemic. Has anyone done a study of the extra risk involved?
What? People wanting immigrant status for spouses must be able to support them? How dare they? What is government for, if not to support foreigners with tax dollars?
Will eating organic food make you healthier?
But it might make you feel self-righteously holier than thou.
But it might make you feel self-righteously holier than thou.
Agreed. Competence is over-rated. Politicians should be selected on the basis of their gender, race, colour, creed and sexual orientation.
If the voters will not play, simply abolish elections and have the queen appoint them.
Best way to stop sexism in politics - start a sexist party.
What? They want to know how to do things better? How dare they?
The last thing we need is a military that is competent or modern.
The last thing we need is a military that is competent or modern.
Probem is, the fuel duty and other vehicle taxes have become such a lucrative pot of money for government. If they waste it on roads and other transport, they cannot keep other taxes steady. Justice? Who cares: we're talking general fund revenue here.
Saharan remains may be evidence of first race war, 13,000 years ago
Saharan remains may be evidence of first race war 13000 years ago
Fascinating: with little or no evidence, we speculate that a battle of 13,000 years ago was over issues we are most concerned with today.
Analysts of the 18th through early 20th century, would have speculated on terrritory and empire, the 16th and 17th on religion, before that it would have been about fiefdom
Fascinating: with little or no evidence, we speculate that a battle of 13,000 years ago was over issues we are most concerned with today.
Analysts of the 18th through early 20th century, would have speculated on terrritory and empire, the 16th and 17th on religion, before that it would have been about fiefdom
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Still, with enough journlists around, there will always be someone to drive a wedge between allies and to disparrage any politician no matter what side of an issue s/he comes down on.
PS: I was surpriserised to see that "...the driver was pressurised to change his statement..." It does not seem right to that this should be allowerised.
Girl Summit 2014: Instagram Documentary Shows How You Can Pledge Against FGM And Forced Marriage
Commented Jul 22, 2014 at 03:01:44 in UK Lifestyle
Ask a journalist why these crimes are still hidden in Britain. Ask them why current child abuse is not being reported daily with the same vigour that 40-year-old child abuse is. Ask them who is responsible for this cover-up.”