Tuesday, 22 July 2014


The 'scroungers’ fight back: The welfare claimants battling to alter stereotypes

Good for them: not for trying to boost their images, but for the work they do to contribute to their community. These are the kind of people we need in this society, whether working or on welfare.

“I think there is a minority that are milking it, but that’s the story that sells, so it’s the only one you hear about in newspapers and on television.”
Spot on. It is a hallmark of our biased media that it is very unusual to get a positive story in the press - whether about those on benefits or about any other subject at all.

“A mum with a partner gets the right to stay at home and look after the kids and bake cakes and go to pre-school without being judged. But mums on their own are seen as sitting on their backside claiming benefits. "
The first mum does it at her own expense, the second does it at someone else's expense.


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