Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Trump's Record
First President in history to serve a full term and increase the deficit every year he was in office.
Maintained a debt to GDP ratio over 100% for his entire term
Highest annual budget deficit
Most added to the national debt in a single term
Most new unemployment claims
Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow

First President in almost a century to lose jobs in his first term
First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice
Longest government shutdown in history (while controlling both chambers of Congress)
Maintained a net negative approval rating for his entire term (that's a first)

First President to be impeached twice, with have bipartisan support for his conviction 
Most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of an administration

He flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic.
He wasted millions on golfing (with much of that going back to into his own pockets).
He wasted millions more rebranding part of the Air Force to look like Star Trek cosplayers.
He wasted billions more on an idiotic vanity wall that’s already falling over.
He violated the Emoluments Clause and the Hatch Act more times than I can remember.
He sabotaged our operations in Afghanistan, by releasing all the Taliban
He did a deal with OPEC to create a global oil shortage, 
He tweeted a classified a photo
He stole documents from the American people and refused to give them back.

Just think how much more he could have accomplished if those godless liberals hadn’t stopped him from suspending the Constitution and declaring himself President for life!


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