Saturday, 1 July 2023

The Supreme Court just made me a second-class citizen
Don't take this personally: you are not the only one by a long shot.   
Muslims can refuse service to anyone who consumes alcohol,  Jews can refuse service to anyone who eats pork and Christians can refuse service to anyone who bears false witness or fornicates.

Jeremy Clarkson’s Meghan Markle column ruled ‘degrading’
Press watchdog upholds sexism complaint over Jeremy Clarkson’s column
Yes it was nasty and vile but, if it was written about a man, would it still have been sexist?
 If a woman wrote that Jeremy Clarkson should be stripped naked, paraded through the streets and pelted with excrement, would that have been sexist? Sounds like a dual standard to me.

'We are at war with vermin’ say police
Well, police, they say nasty things about you, too.  Like 'killer'

Dentist leaders hit out at government plans to ‘handcuff’ graduates to NHS work
British Dentist Association said the government should “not handcuff the next generation to a sinking ship… training more dentists who don’t want to work in the NHS.”
Okay, fine. then let them pay the full cost of their education.


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