Wednesday, 1 March 2023


Matt Hancock disputes claim he rejected Covid care home testing advic
     What were the penalties in the non-disclosure agreement that Oakeshott signed. Moral: never, ever trust a so-called journalist with an agenda.
    Perhaps more importantly: what would you have done if you were told it wasn't possible to test all care-home entrants.
    PS: How did Hancock send 100,000 whatsapp messages in one day?

Tea and a Photo-Op Put King Charles in Cross Hairs
He had the head of a foreign government to tea. He did the same with Cyril Ramaphosa. Why did that meeting not angry recriminations from critics who viewed it as an improper foray into British politics. Oh. It was because the Von der Leyen did something else when she was it town. Didn't Cyril?


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