Monday, 24 October 2022

Penny Mordaunt ‘confident’ of reaching 100 nominations before Tory leadership deadline
The only people supporting her are people who want a seat at the trough

Boris Johnson should end his posturing and not be a distraction to government
Why would he? You want him to break a habit of 58 years?

Rebecca Long-Bailey: Britain won’t accept Jeremy Hunt’s new age of austerity
Really? What will they do about it. Vote labour in two years. And what will labour do? Borrow more money and raise taxes. What will that do to the UK reputation as a place to do invest in? That is, of course, if the UK exists in two years.

Climate protesters throw mashed potatoes at Monet painting
They like to disrespect things they couldn't possibly create./ Silly self-centered narcissists.

Black History Month should be renamed ‘accurate history month’
Are you saying that no other history is accurate? Or can we lump all history that is accurate, whether it refers to white, black, asian, semite or some other ethnic group?


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