Friday, 1 October 2021


 Labour left still undecided on whether it would prefer Keir Starmer or Boris Johnson to be Prime Minister 

The left wing of the Labour Party is still unable to come to a decision on who it would prefer to be Prime Minister; Keir Starmer or Boris Johnson.
     “It’s difficult, it really is,” said Simon Williams, a veteran of Labour politics who believes in a fairer society for everyone, except the Jews.   “On the one hand, Boris Johnson is an upper-class Etonian who wants to maintain the status quo and make the rich richer and the poor poorer.   “On the other hand, Keir Starmer used to be a lawyer.”
        Williams went on, “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? I’m not so sure. If it means Starmer as PM then maybe I’d just rather sulk on the sidelines and let everyone suffer another ten years of Tory rule because I didn’t get what I want.”

Nurse Carefully Weighs Whether She Better Off Getting Vaccine Or Losing Job And Dying
UTICA, NY—Blasting state officials for putting her into such an “impossible position,” local nurse Sophia Wood confirmed Wednesday that she was carefully weighing whether she was better off getting the vaccine or losing her job and dying. “On the plus side, if get vaccinated, I could get to continue to live my life healthy and happy with no drawbacks, but is that really worth giving up the right to die while out of work?”
 “On one hand, I have way more items listed under the pros column, like ‘keep job,’ ‘protect others,’ and ‘protect myself,’ but on the other, I have ‘freedom’ written in big red letters, circled, and underlined multiple times. I’m pretty torn between the two. Who would issue such a cruel ultimatum?”

What changes are being made to GCSEs and A-levels next year?
Dumbing down is a tactic of most would-be dictators.


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