Saturday, 3 July 2021

Supreme Court to Hear Case on Government Aid to Religious Schools
“A state need not subsidize private education,” he wrote. “But once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious.”
Good for John Roberts and for SCOTUS.   

New Evidence Indicates Critical Race Theory Escaped From A Lab College Humanities Dept
U.S.—Scientists have discovered mounting evidence that critical race theory escaped from a lab in a college humanities department some decades ago. Originally thought to be a deranged conspiracy theory, the idea that CRT escaped from a liberal arts program is now accepted as mainstream consensus.
    "While many believed the deadly CRT virus arose naturally out of centuries of systemic oppression, it now appears to have been manmade," said Dr. Xander Willow of Hillsdale College. "
     While researchers could not trace the virus all the way back to patient zero, scientific evidence indicates the first carrier of CRT was "almost certainly a white woman with purple hair who screamed a lot." "Yeah, her name was probably Chloe or Claire. Or maybe Karen. It's hard to tell based on the evidence we have, but genetics indicates this virus definitely evolved from a woman afflicted by white guilt."   To fight CRT, experts are recommending loving your neighbour no matter what their skin color is, seeing a person instead of a race, and reading your Bible. Also, hydroxychloroquine.

Sha’Carri Richardson and Her Now Uncertain Path to the Olympics
This doesn't make sense to me. She takes a performance-reducing drug and for that reason, can't go to an athletic contest?   The drug is now legal in the majority of states, but it seems that Olympians must  be a role model to the laggards states.

AOC blames RACISM for Sha'Carri Richardson's Olympic sprint ban
Does AOC believe that people of colour are above the law?


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