Saturday, 19 June 2021

Capitol attacks on police in newly released videos
The new videos show a Marine Corps veteran and former New York City police officer wielding a flagpole as he attacks police, as well as rioters crushing another officer into a door as he screams in pain. Still another video shows a New Jersey man punching an officer in the head.
The Republican party used to support the police and true conservatives still do.
But Trump’s RINO Republicans and MAGAts think the police are trash.

Stephen Hawking says humans must colonize another planet in 100 years, or face extinction
May 5, 2017  In his upcoming documentary Hawking says Earth is becoming “increasingly precarious”
True! The reason why we seem to be alone in the universe is that advanced intelligent life doesn’t survive for very long.   If we consider humans, we started producing radio waves 126 years ago.   Imagine solving Drakes equation if every advanced culture in the galaxy lasted only 250 years.


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