Monday, 22 March 2021

How to Collect $1.4 Trillion in Unpaid Taxes
The proposal would not increase the amount anyone owes in taxes. It would, instead, increase the amount paid in taxes by those who are currently cheating.
That will never happen as long as congresspeople are for sale.

There Are Two Asian-Americas, and One Is Invisible
Yes, there is racism against Asians in America. And yes, Asian women have it harder than Asian men.
But the attacks in Atlanta had nothing whatever to do with that.   

Assaulting the Truth, Ron Johnson Helps Erode Confidence in Government
Sex Lies and Videotape, Ron Johnson is part of the cult following of Donnie Trump. But I like his riff on the covid-19 vaccine: claiming that the United States could have ended the pandemic a year ago with the development of a generic drug if the government had wanted that to happen. So Donnie and his crew WANTED 600,000 Americans to. Why? What good that do them?

Racism is real – we will get nowhere until we all acknowledge this
Of course it is,  And it goes against all groups: Blacks, Asians, Irish, Jews, Hindus, French, Muslims, Italians, LBGTQRF, Germans, Sikhs, Scots, Spanish, Cockney, Poles, Geordies, Slavs and mixed race, etc.


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