Tuesday, 30 March 2021
What a nice guy!
BAME and people of colour are both racist terms; "Ethnic Minority" is not.
Britain is 82% white, so 18%, by definition, belong to an "ethnic minority" of various kinds.
However, "ethnic minority" has also been used to describe tinkers, Roma, Slavs, Poles, Germans even LBGTQRF's. So, while I agree that BAME is not useful, there doesn't seem to be a useful term.
Sunday, 28 March 2021
A misogyny law is a start, but what about misogynoir?
Translation: I am more of a victim than you are.
Thursday, 25 March 2021
I got mine, Joe, the heck with the other guy. Or, as Marie would say, "et le brioche.".
H.R. 8 would expand background check requirements to all private transfers, including guns bought over the internet, at gun shows or even transfers between family members, with certain exceptions for gifts.
That has the support of 90% of America, but it does not have support of the congresspeople who have been bought by the NRA.
(Five national polls conducted in 2015 show high levels of support for "expanded background checks for gun purchases," with rates varying (93% and 89% support in two Quinnipiac University surveys, 92% support in a CBS/New York Times survey, 86% support in a Gallup survey, 85% support in a Pew Research Center survey). A 2015 survey found that more than 90% of Americans supported universal background checks, and that, on average, Americans thought they would be more effective than any other gun policy.)
Gosh! 10 times in four years, what a piker. Carlson and Hannity can do that in a week.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Just to prove that right is not always on my side
Conservative Spreads Dangerous Misinformation About A Chicken Crossing The Road
WENTZVILLE, MO—A known conservative, Dennis Wilson, was spotted
spreading dangerous misinformation once again, this time asking, “Why did the
chicken cross the road?” Wilson, in fact, had witnessed no bird crossing a road
-- and certainly not one capable of explaining its reason for such an action.
When grilled about this purely fantastical story, Wilson said he was telling a
“It’s a common occurrence for the right to spread misinformation under the
cover of ‘jokes’ or ‘satire,’” explained New York Times tech analyst Llewellyn
FitzRoy. “It is unknown for what nefarious purposes they do this, and it is
very scary.”
Snopes further showed the danger of Wilson’s fabrication, as it
surveyed people, asking them if they believed
that “sometimes chickens cross roads in order to reach the
further side” was a true headline, and a plurality believed it was real.
There is now a campaign to get Wilson banned from Facebook
before he does further damage, though he was already seen spreading a story
about a horse walking into a bar despite few bars having doors large enough to
accommodate a horse.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
What Union, Jack?
The Border was not closed or secure under Trump...why does he think anything has changed?
Of the 96,974 migrants whom Border Patrol processed in February, it quickly expelled 72 percent. The remainder they actually had to decide on last month—26,791 migrants—was the 77th most out of the past 114 months. Being in 77th place hardly constitutes a crisis.
In Atlanta they killed Asians, Hispanics and Whites. Here the guy just killed 10 Americans.
I expect to see Republican outrage at the killing of Americans!
if not, does that mean they support the killing of Americans???
Monday, 22 March 2021
The proposal would not increase the amount anyone owes in taxes. It would, instead, increase the amount paid in taxes by those who are currently cheating.
Saturday, 20 March 2021
She didn't disclose a fact that was detrimental to her.
Sounds like something Boris Johnson or Dominic Cummings would do.
We need to revisit freedom of the press.
Fortunately, Rees-Mogg is a public figure and so can be smeared whenever journalists want to
Well of course it would be inhumane: any other country would naturally treat them inhumanely.
Does that smack of racism? Oh well so what?
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Saturday, 13 March 2021
What did you want them to do?
Did you want them to admit to being racist when they are not?
Did you want Meghan to be treated specially just because she is black?
Did you want them to say the toxic tabloid culture is their fault?
Bottom line is that Meghan was treated as any other royal - and that is what she doesn't like.
Friday, 12 March 2021
That is true, they ae not a racist family.
Harry, Meghan and Oprah ALL KNEW that great-grand children of the monarch are not designated prince or princess unless they are in direct line to the throne.
Shame on Oprah, Shame on Meghan and shame on Harry for not revealing this.
To suggest that it was down to racism is a deliberate calumny: lying and despicable!
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
That is the first time I have ever agreed with Tucker Carlson. Ever! What has gotten in to me?
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
What a sexist thing to say!
Monday, 8 March 2021
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Friday, 5 March 2021
Monday, 1 March 2021
Are we really going to do this again?
Well you guys keep covering him, giving him more space than anyone else, sooooo: why wouldn't we?
So, nothing new at all at CPAC. Everything as predictable as heat in summer and frost in winter.
In his first public appearance since leaving office, Donald Trump went through, by name, every Republican who supported his second impeachment and called for them to be to be ousted.
Gosh. Your mean Trump doesn't like people who don't support him?
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