Friday, 12 February 2021

House Managers Rest Their Case Against Trump, but Most Republicans Are Not Swayed
Of course they are not swayed. They fear for their lives.
Even more, they fear not being re-elected. 
That is more important to them than their lives or the lives of any of their constituents.

Is the European Union really being unreasonable over the City of London?
"...even suggested the EU seems to be trying to excise the UK from its market."
Gosh! The UK doesn't want to be a part of the EU, but it wants to be treated as if it were. 
 The UK just can't imagine why anyone would object to that

NY Rep. Reed will file criminal complaint against Cuomo aide for COVID-19 cover-up
Will he also seek an indictment of De Santis, the governor of Florida, for the same crime?

Liz Peek: Democrat fear-mongering allows Biden to destroy Trump’s legacy
For Democrats, they were also extremely useful.     It is always "useful" to have a people attack the congress of the United States. The attack on the congress finally gave Democrats the ammunition they needed to portray President Trump’s supporters as dangerous extremists. Which some of them are. With Trump disgraced and his supporters denounced, his policies can be junked wholesale.... And it cant happen soon enough
PS: The Republican party has ALWAYS been in bed with Big Business, Big Tech and Big Labour (protectionism and tariffs ). They didn't represent the people when you supported them.
Why shouldn't Democrats have a go - all parties are just out to get re-elected anyway,


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