Saturday, 29 August 2020
Athletes Are Finished Playing America’s Rigged Game
Individuals like Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali and Colin Kaepernick changed society. Can this generation do it by banding together?
Individuals like Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali and Colin Kaepernick changed society. Can this generation do it by banding together?
We hope they can, and it is good to see them try.
But isn't the deck stacked a bit in their favor. The average NBA player's compensation is $7.7 million.
Compared to the rest of us, they could do a lot of good.
If each of the 496 NBA players contributed $1 Million to Black Lives Matter, what would it do?
882 MLB players get $4.4 million on average. What if they donated $500,000
690 NHL players get $2.78 million, what if they donated &250,000
720 MLS players get $412.000, what if they donated $25,000
That would be over $1 billion? Could that do some good?
As Long As Racism Persists, Sports Will Always Be Political
That is pretty much forever, then. Racism is an intrinsic human trait
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