Friday, 22 May 2020
Trump bashes Michigan AG after she calls him ‘a petulant child’ for refusing to wear mask
Has she learn NOTHING in politics? It is not nice to tell the truth.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!
James Lange @langej
Uh oh, Donnie has fouled his diaper again. He sure makes a lot of noise for a lame duck president.

Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!
Uh oh, Donnie has fouled his diaper again. He sure makes a lot of noise for a lame duck president.
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