Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Ousted Designer Of Florida’s COVID-19 Dashboard Says She Was Asked To Censor Data
Rebekah Jones said she was dismissed after refusing to “manually change data” to present a favorable picture for the state’s efforts to reopen.
“This statement is factually incorrect,” The Lancet said of one accusation against the World Health Organization.
Yes, but the people at The Lancet are scientists, so they are never-Trumpers anyway. Donnie's base wants someone to blame and it cannot be Donnie, so it must be anti-Trump scientists. Donnie's base doesn't believe in science anyway,
Did she say which scientific advice was wrong, or is just a general rant that scientist don't know much?
“We are getting advice from the scientists. It is for ministers to decide on policy." They did a bad job of it. The advice from scientist was good, but the government's policy has been a disaster. If she had only followed what her astrologer and the I-Ching told her, she would be better off.
Royalty has its perks, doesn't it, Donnie and Mike.
And, thanks to firing everyone who can hold you accountable, there is no Noblesse Oblige
And, thanks to firing everyone who can hold you accountable, there is no Noblesse Oblige
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