Saturday, 30 May 2020
Over Veterans’ Protests, Trump Vetoes Measure to Block Student Loan Rules
As Donnie Trump would say: they are only veterans: what have they done for me lately?
Hey. It has been a few weeks now. We can only follow stories for five days. Indeed, we are REALLY amazed that the media could keep the story going so long. But then it writes it self and journalists don't have do to much work, so it is in their interest. Will the media now cover something else? Hard to say: that could mean real work.
Fund for Jeffrey Epstein’s Accusers Gets Attorney General’s Approval
Epstein won't be needing it, so it is nice that the Virgin Island will get a share: they probably need it. It is also nice that the alleged victims will be get a bunch of money All they had to do was accuse somebody. Just accuse, not find anyone guilty of any crime. It nice that they get this money for essentially nothing,
Friday, 29 May 2020
I'm An Angry Black Woman. This Is What I Want White People To Know.
"Anyone who’s paid two seconds of attention to history knows America does not live up to its own standards, and its ideals of things like unalienable rights certainly don’t apply if you’re not white." Certainly true. What's to be done. Being angry and dissatisfied doesn't seem to cut it. Hating racism and inequality doesn't seem to end it. What can we do, when the police don't do our will when the government doesn't do our will. Voting them out just replaces them with other people who feel the same way that they do. Okay, this is a counsel of despair, but I don't see what else is available. HELP!
"Anyone who’s paid two seconds of attention to history knows America does not live up to its own standards, and its ideals of things like unalienable rights certainly don’t apply if you’re not white." Certainly true. What's to be done. Being angry and dissatisfied doesn't seem to cut it. Hating racism and inequality doesn't seem to end it. What can we do, when the police don't do our will when the government doesn't do our will. Voting them out just replaces them with other people who feel the same way that they do. Okay, this is a counsel of despair, but I don't see what else is available. HELP!
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who has defended President Trump's attacks on mail-in voting, has voted by mail 11 times since 2010, the Tampa Bay Times reported Wednesday.
As they say in Australia: "You wouldn't bloody read about it."
As they say in Australia: "You wouldn't bloody read about it."
Like Dominic Cummings, one rule for the hoi polloi and another rule for us.
How White Women Use Themselves as Instruments of Terror
How White Women Use Themselves as Instruments of Terror
Yes. All white women do this.
There is NOTHING racist about that statement, is there?
Mark Zuckerberg Says Social Media Giants Shouldn't Be In Position To Fact-Check Users
He is right: social media (facebook, twitter, google, etc) are immoral purveyors of lies.
They are deliberately designed that way.
People can accuse anyone of murder or interfering with an election. It is no bid deal.
Fact and fiction are identical, anyway. There is nothing wrong with a President or anyone else lying: that's what you teach your children, right?
Mark Zuckerberg Says Social Media Giants Shouldn't Be In Position To Fact-Check Users
He is right: social media (facebook, twitter, google, etc) are immoral purveyors of lies.
They are deliberately designed that way.
People can accuse anyone of murder or interfering with an election. It is no bid deal.
Fact and fiction are identical, anyway. There is nothing wrong with a President or anyone else lying: that's what you teach your children, right?
Monday, 25 May 2020
Saturday, 23 May 2020
Chris Wallace Hits Donald Trump With Blunt Fact-Check On Mail-In Ballot Fraud Claims
Come on, Wallace, get on board. Your channel is supposed to be a part of the Trump campaign, as he has told you many times.
Get together with the Russia to win this election for Trump.
I Love My White Boyfriend But There’s One Thing He Can Never Understand
Absolutely! White grief is different from black grief, because blacks.....
(pick whatever racist statement you'd like to insert here.)
Friday, 22 May 2020
Trump bashes Michigan AG after she calls him ‘a petulant child’ for refusing to wear mask
Has she learn NOTHING in politics? It is not nice to tell the truth.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!
James Lange @langej
Uh oh, Donnie has fouled his diaper again. He sure makes a lot of noise for a lame duck president.

Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!
Uh oh, Donnie has fouled his diaper again. He sure makes a lot of noise for a lame duck president.
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
The Memo: Trump goes 'America First' on virus
America's President does not like anyone who he can't control to help him win the 2020 election.
Trump Hopes You Forget How He Praised China And The WHO Before Blaming Them
America's President does not like anyone who he can't control to help him win the 2020 election.
Trump Hopes You Forget How He Praised China And The WHO Before Blaming Them
Hey. he changed his mind. China is easy to blame and the WHO is fighting the corona virus, which he doesn't want fought.
Better to kill 3% of Americans and show a real difference between the 5% and the 90%, PS: If he changes his mind again, the base will follow.
Better to kill 3% of Americans and show a real difference between the 5% and the 90%, PS: If he changes his mind again, the base will follow.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Ousted Designer Of Florida’s COVID-19 Dashboard Says She Was Asked To Censor Data
Rebekah Jones said she was dismissed after refusing to “manually change data” to present a favorable picture for the state’s efforts to reopen.
“This statement is factually incorrect,” The Lancet said of one accusation against the World Health Organization.
Yes, but the people at The Lancet are scientists, so they are never-Trumpers anyway. Donnie's base wants someone to blame and it cannot be Donnie, so it must be anti-Trump scientists. Donnie's base doesn't believe in science anyway,
Did she say which scientific advice was wrong, or is just a general rant that scientist don't know much?
“We are getting advice from the scientists. It is for ministers to decide on policy." They did a bad job of it. The advice from scientist was good, but the government's policy has been a disaster. If she had only followed what her astrologer and the I-Ching told her, she would be better off.
Royalty has its perks, doesn't it, Donnie and Mike.
And, thanks to firing everyone who can hold you accountable, there is no Noblesse Oblige
And, thanks to firing everyone who can hold you accountable, there is no Noblesse Oblige
Monday, 18 May 2020
'In a while pedophile': Donald Trump Jr smears Biden with series of baseless social media posts
Is it true that Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump and Jared Kushner are all paedophiles?
Is it true that they work out of a Jewish deli in New York.
Nowhere NEAR as incompetent as this administration.
Sunday, 17 May 2020
Top Trump Trade Adviser Bashes CDC: ‘Really Let The Country Down’ On Virus Testing
Yep, especially after we cut their fundnig.
Still, blame anybody except those actually responsible: the Trump Administration.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
When someone can't stand scrutiny, it is usually a sign that they are corrupt.
What is the child whining about now? Trump said that the president has total control and is boss of the executive branch with no oversight from congress. So if Obama or Biden or the FBI or the DOJ did anything, it was legal according to Trump.
Medical Journal Pleads With Voters To Pick President Who’ll Put Health Ahead Of Politics
Trump Blames China For Acting Too Late In Coordinating U.S. Coronavirus Response
Sorry Lancet, your protestations will have no effect. Your readership already accepts science. The MAGA group have rejected it and all it stands for.
From: The Onion
WASHINGTON—Lambasting the rival superpower for what he called “reckless” and “irresponsible” behavior, President Donald Trump publicly blamed China Monday for acting too late in coordinating the U.S. Covid-19 response. “China knew our nation was facing a deadly threat as early as January, and yet they did nothing to develop a plan we could use to slow the spread of the virus,” said Trump, noting thousands of American lives could have been saved if Chinese president Xi Jinping had only taken the threat seriously from the start and implemented a strategy to reduce the negative impact on the U.S. economy. “The Chinese government just kept waiting and waiting, sitting on their hands as the outbreak spread through the U.S. rather than leading our nation in the way it so desperately needed. States shouldn’t be left out to dry, putting together piecemeal pandemic responses. What else is a strong Communist Party for? And now they’re trying to cover it up, claiming the U.S. isn’t their responsibility.”
Friday, 15 May 2020
How The Coronavirus ‘Reenergized’ The Anti-Vaccine Movement
BAME People 'Thrown To The Wolves' With New Back-To-Work Guidelines
I don't mind people choosing which way they want to die.
I resent their choosing the way I am going to die.
Get everyone vaccinated, regardless of religious belief or political stance.
Good article apportioning blame and setting one against another based on race.
If I were a Senator
or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest
political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former
President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it @LindseyGrahamSC, just do
it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!
James Lange
Liar. Flynn, Cohen, Manafort and Kushner new more about it than anyone. 17 Trump associates had contacts with Russians or Wikileaks, with at least 100 face-to-face interactions, phone calls or electronic messages with Russians or Kremlin-linked figures and 51 individual communications.
Liar. Flynn, Cohen, Manafort and Kushner new more about it than anyone. 17 Trump associates had contacts with Russians or Wikileaks, with at least 100 face-to-face interactions, phone calls or electronic messages with Russians or Kremlin-linked figures and 51 individual communications.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Woman Who Illegally Entered Yellowstone Suffers Burns Near Old Faithful
She was taking pictures near the famous Old Faithful geyser and fell into a thermal feature while backing up
She should sue. Stupidity is no excuse for the government not taking better care of their imbeciles.
Whole Foods Splurged On Thermal Imaging Cameras, Employees Question Their Effectiveness
Workers told HuffPost they’re not being trained how to use the cameras and want hazard pay instead.
She should sue. Stupidity is no excuse for the government not taking better care of their imbeciles.
Whole Foods Splurged On Thermal Imaging Cameras, Employees Question Their Effectiveness
Workers told HuffPost they’re not being trained how to use the cameras and want hazard pay instead.
Gosh! Management and workers have different ideas? Whodda thunk it?
From the Beaverton
Quebec, which recently banned Niqabs, suddenly fine with people covering their faces
From the Beaverton
Quebec, which recently banned Niqabs, suddenly fine with people covering their faces
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