Thursday, 30 January 2020


Gwen Ifill honored in Black Heritage Forever stamp dedication ceremony
Gwen Ifill now has a stamp, but her life seemed dedicated to the proposition that journalism expressed values of truth and justice that went well beyond race. She should have been honoured with an American Heritage stamp. Perhaps she still could be, if people weren't so obsessed about colour.

The Right Way For People Who Aren't Mexican To Write About Mexico 
No, we get it. Only Mexicans can write about Mexico without getting mired in issues like whether a Puerto Rican is really be a Latina. By the same token, I assume no Mexicans should write about America unless they have
1) spent years in America
2) speak fluent gringo
3) have put themselves in harms way for a conservative cause
4) can see the damage that NAFTA did to Americans
5) can feel the outrage against any abridgement of 2nd Amendment rights
6) can view Americans without either disdain or pity, sympathy or hatred
or 7) have spent time with a Republican campaign


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