Friday, 6 December 2019

Is This Really The Most Racist Bunch Of Election Candidates Ever?
If you are pro-Israeli, you are Islamophobic, if you are pro-Palestinian you are anti-Semitic. Lose-Lose situation.
But it is interesting to have journo's who don't want to us to unite, encouraging anomie, apathy and making the UK a worse place too live.

Michael Bloomberg Criticized For Calling Cory Booker ‘Well-Spoken
It is not nice or cool to be well spoken. If you are well spoken, that must mean you are an uncle tom.
If he said Corey couldn't string two words together, that would be okay in modern political rhetoric?

Jury Says Elon Musk Did Not Defame British Diver With “Pedo Guy” Insult
"Pedo guy" does not say pedophile and no one in his right mind would say that it did.
This is like the guy who had to resign because he said his budget was niggardly.


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