Friday, 19 July 2019
Trump Disavows ‘Send Her Back’ Chant as G.O.P. Frets Over Ugly Phrase
Trump has been radicalized by age and change: he just cant cope with the world as it is now.
He is a terrorist in the making. He wants the world the way it used to be, with white males in all the leadership roles and no one to challenge what it means to be American, what it means to be sexist, what it means to be racist, what it means to have values. He doesn't like challenges and will respond to them with vituperative attacks. A lot of his base are like that too. They see their power drifting and they want it back. They, too, are terrorists in the making.
Boris has ALWAYS lied abut the EU and their regulations: it was what made him famous. Why change a good strategy. Brexiteers don't care that it is untrue: they WANT to believe it and that is good enough for them.
Tell them not to use American companies: they spy more than the Chinese Stick to Nokia and Ericsson
The Ghandi’s seven deadly sins:
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Religion without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.
I thought these seemed to express
Trump’s philosophy
Pleasure without conscience:
grabs them by the pussy
Knowledge without character: Lying
the way he does, he has no character to speak of.
Commerce without morality: He doesn’t care who his trade war
hurts, favours socialism for farmers.
Science without humanity: He
cannot accept the reality of climate change
Religion without sacrifice” Does anyone know one thing the has sacrificed.
Politics without principle: He believes in party over country, and Saul Alinsky.
But the number one sin in Ghandi’s
book was
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