Friday, 31 May 2019


The final punishment of Julian Assange reminds journalists their job is to uncover what the state keeps hidden
And we should be willing to break ANY law to do it (except, maybe, murder & assault).  Cyber-crime, high-tech listening devices, honey-traps, extortion, whatever.  Right Robert?

North Korea ‘executes officials involved in failed Trump summit’, report says
North Korea has reportedly executed several officials who carried out talks during the failed second US-North Korea summit in February.
Trumpchump wishes he could do that.

Esther McVey Says 'Parents Know Best' Over LGBT Lessons In Schools
Absolutely. If parents think that LBGT people should be strung up, that the world is flat and was created 6,ooo years ago, that's what should be taught in school

Trump Accuses Mueller of a Personal Vendetta as Calls for Impeachment Grow
Trumpchump does the only thing he knows to do: denigrate anybody who says his sh@t stinks.

  1. Robert Mueller came to the Oval Office (along with other potential candidates) seeking to be named the Director of the FBI. He had already been in that position for 12 years, I told him NO. The next day he was named Special Counsel - A total Conflict of Interest. NICE!
  2. Mueller is a incorruptible, patriotic, conservative Republican. You are not fit to shine his shoes.


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