Monday, 11 February 2019


Virginia Democratic Lawmaker Moves to Consider Impeaching Justin Fairfax
He has been accused!  In #metoo parlance, that means he is guilty and should resign or be impeached....unless of course he were a woman, in which case it means he is innocent and should not resign.  Amy Kobluchar bullying springs to mind.

    1. “President is on sound legal ground to declare a National Emergency. There have been 58 National Emergencies declared since the law was enacted in 1976, and 31 right now that are currently active, so this is hardly unprecedented.” Congressman
    2. Great idea. When the Democrats get in, they can have a National Emergency or Climate Change and Health Care, moving all that money from the military/industrial complex into something important.
      End of conversation
    1. New conversation
      The media was able to get my work schedule, something very easy to do, but it should have been reported as a positive, not negative. When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing. In fact, I probably work more hours than almost any past President...
    2. What crap. You mostly watch TV and play golf. And everybody in the White House knows it.


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