With 651 miles of fencing and barriers already in place along the Southwest border, each additional mile would be in ever more remote locations, and therefore more expensive to install and maintain and likely to deter fewer unauthorized migrants. Congressional Research Service
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Iām A Man And It Took Me Years To Recognize I Had Been Sexually Assaulted
Playing by His Own Rules, Trump Flips the Shutdown Script
If I don't get what I want I will make everybody's Christmas miserable.
Sadly, we all (Democrats, Republican and Libertarians) want border security, but our President is stuck on a wall that won't do the job. It will be expensive, do next to nothing to stop illegal immigration and nothing at all to stop drug trafficking.
Other than making his buddies in the wall building business richer on government contracts, is there any other motivation for this silly wall. Is it that he just wants to live in a gated community.
Anyway, Mexico will pay for the wall, won't they Donnie?
Gosh. I hope you reported it to the police. You forgot to mentioned her name, which we need, as we will want her pilloried in the newspapers, on radio and TV. There is no reason she should ever work again.
If I don't get what I want I will make everybody's Christmas miserable.
Sadly, we all (Democrats, Republican and Libertarians) want border security, but our President is stuck on a wall that won't do the job. It will be expensive, do next to nothing to stop illegal immigration and nothing at all to stop drug trafficking.
Other than making his buddies in the wall building business richer on government contracts, is there any other motivation for this silly wall. Is it that he just wants to live in a gated community.
Anyway, Mexico will pay for the wall, won't they Donnie?
Michael Flynn Asks Judge for Leniency for Lying to F.B.I.
It was a trap. Mike Pence made him lie!
Public behavior has consequences.
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