Wednesday 10 October 2018


Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Is Blowing Holes In Agency Budgets
Tent Cities, like the one for migrant children at Tornillo, Texas:The expected cost: $750 per night, per bed. For about the same price, the federal government could pay for a deluxe hotel room — with a view of Central Park — at Trump’s Manhattan hotel. For every month that the Trump administration locks up a single undocumented minor in the Texas desert, it pays more than the annual cost of putting a student through state college, complete with room and board.
That's big government in Washington for you.
How much of that is profit? Sounds a bit like corporate welfare.

Why Is Israel Scared of This Young American?
Societies that bar their critics aren’t protecting themselves. They are advertising their weakness.
Racist societies like Israel are usually afraid.
Think of South African apartheid, the US southern states, Burma.

Why Some Amazon Workers Are Fuming About Their Raise
We want $15 per hour AND stock options AND bonus payments.
Don't know why Amazon doesn't get that.
We're entitled


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