Wednesday, 26 September 2018


Labour MP Laura Smith Calls For First General Strike Since 1926
Why a general strike? For what reason? We don't know, it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Perhaps it could make Britain ungovernable. That would be a good thing, innit?

Fact-Checking Trump’s Speech to the United Nations
Mr. Trump’s claim of signing the “biggest” tax cut in American history is false; by various metrics, several rank higher.
     He was also wrong in characterizing recent military spending bills as “record funding.” Even without adjusting for inflation, President Barack Obama signed legislation in 2010 that provided more money for the military.
      Mr. Trump has signed a relatively low number of bills when compared to other presidents, even at similar points in their terms.
     Mr. Trump overstated the US trade deficit by about $250 billion.

    1. The Democrats are playing a high level CON GAME in their vicious effort to destroy a fine person. It is called the politics of destruction. Behind the scene the Dems are laughing. Pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family!=
    2. We pray that he cannot be confirmed until there is an investigation of his conduct. We pray that you withdraw him. We pray his family is spared this embarrassment to him
      End of conversation
    1. New conversation
      Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations, like he did on me and like he is now doing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He is just looking for attention and doesn’t want people to look at his past record and relationships - a total low-life
    2. This from a 5th-rate President who nearly defines "low-life"


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