Surprised that Harley-Davidson, of all companies, would be the first to wave the White Flag. I fought hard for them and ultimately they will not pay tariffs selling into the E.U., which has hurt us badly on trade, down $151 Billion. Taxes just a Harley excuse - be patient!
More big government in Washington telling people how to run their companies.
From: Daniel J Conner []
Sent: 23 June 2018 06:06
Subject: Re: Why are Conservatives ALWAYS so ANGRY?!?!?
James, maybe you could tell me just what you think makes someone a conservative, and by that I mean something or some ideas different from what makes someone a Democrat / liberal. James, seriously, I'm not trying to be a jerk, I truely want to know. I believe that the things that conservatives believe differentiate them from liberals, are the same things that liberals believe in. I think we have way more in common that either side believes. But feel free to let me know your opinion.
Well, Daniel, conservative and
liberal are really describing continuums that don’t bear description, as people
can hop back and forth depending on context. As I said, I tend to
be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. (As to Republican
and Democrat, I don’t think they have any meaning in modern parlance at all,
beyond “the other guys.”)
Historian John P. Diggins
Thanks to the framers, American conservatism
began on a genuinely lofty plane. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John
Marshall, John Jay, James Wilson, and, above all, John Adams aspired to create
a republic in which the values so precious to conservatives might flourish:
This was classical conservatism in its most
authentic expression
Mostly, conservatives do not like big
government in Washington (or big government anywhere) telling us what to
do. Local is better than state, and state is better than national.
Sadly, many so-called conservatives have forgotten this tenet of our creed.
I really liked the post that said
“then yes, I’m a liberal” but I fashioned it slightly differently. In my
terms it is quite possible to be a conservative liberal or, if you will, a
liberal conservative.
Regarding Liberal vs Conservative
[kuh n-sur-vuh-tiv] adjective
disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or
to restore traditional ones, and to limit unnecessary change.
recognizing that change does not necessarily mean reform or
cautious, moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: a
conservative suit.
of or relating to the Whig, Federalist, Tory or Conservative
having the power or tendency to conserve or preserve.
[lib-er-uh l, lib-ruh l] adjective
1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs
or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political
2. pertaining to, based on,
or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and
government guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
3. favourable to or in accord
with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed
by law.
4. relating to
representational forms of government rather than monarchies, aristocracies
and oligarchies
5. favouring or permitting
freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or
expression - a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
6. free from prejudice or
bigotry; tolerant; liberal attitude toward foreigners
If by liberal you mean anti-tyranny,
anti-authoritarian and pro-freedom, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If you mean freedom of religion and
freedom from religion, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean free and fair
stopping gerrymandering, voter suppression and
taking money out of politics, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean having more stable
financial markets with
tighter regulations and government oversight, on
the greedy banksters on Wall Street then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean I believe in free
trade among nations, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean no deficits in
times of prosperity but deficit spending when the economy turns sour, then
yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean that loonies and
criminals should not have guns, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean that every citizen
right has a concomitant responsibility, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean I'd rather spend
money on universal healthcare for everybody than on the military
industrial complex, then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean I think there's only
one race (the human race) then yeah, I'm a liberal.
If by liberal you mean I believe in the
French motto: Liberté, égalité,
fraternité, then yeah, I’m a liberal.
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