Thursday 3 May 2018

Press Forced To Leave Hither Green Burglar Funeral After Rocks Thrown At Reporters
Why don't they let people celebrate their HERO, they guy who tried to invade the home of a 78 year old man. 
Old people have no reason for living, do they?

This Presidential Hopeful Wants To Pay Every American $1,000 A Month. Seriously.
He could probably pay for it just by repealing the Trump tax cuts.

Why 'No-Platforming' Controversial Speakers Could Soon Be Banned At Universities
Absolutely right. If you can't have an anti-LBGTQRF speaker or a climate change denier, or someone who disagrees with cultural appropriation (like non-Italian restaurants serving pizza), who can you have.

Trump Joins House Attacks Over Investigations
Actually, the DOJ is the conservative side, all Republicans who believe in the Rule of Law. The so-called House Republicans are not conservative: if they were they would not have approved $1 trillion in deficits per year, trade union protectionism and big government in Washington telling us what to do.


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