Friday, 29 September 2017


The president proposes sweeping tax cuts, insisting the plan will not benefit the ‘wealthy or well-connected’
Other than the Estate Tax and the Alternative minimum Tax, which are designed for Trump's fortune. and will benefit only the wealthy.   Still, in the best democracy that money can buy, you have to have something to placate your donors

Sexism has no place in British culture and these students knew they were violating local cultural values.   I trust there will be a fine?
London School of Economics concedes annual event is ‘likely to fall foul of the Equality Act'
Sexism has no place in British culture.  These students knew they were violating local cultural values and breaking the law. I trust there will be a fine?

Labour MP Emma Dent Coad Launches Fresh Attack On Royal Family And Says Grenfell Survivors Have Been ‘Abandoned
Yes, they have, mostly by you. You were a K&C councillor since 2004; why didn't you do something for them? You were a member of the board for TMO (who had responsibility for Grendfell Towers); why didn't you do something for them? You are currently the Parliamentarian for Grendfell Towers; why don't you do something for them? (And taking both Councilor and Parliamentary salaries, so it hasn't hurt you much.)
    Why do you think that swiping at Royals will get anything done for Grendfell Towers? 
    Or do you just want the publicity?


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