Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Lange's Rant of the dayWhy do so many black people dishonor the national anthem of a nation that provides them such an opportunity to make humongous amounts of money? Why don't the owners of NFL franchises who pay these players have rules of conduct against acts of this nature?
It is questionable, David, as to why
people who make this amount of money can make a sign of disrespect to the flag
that has protected them. Perhaps they think that is hasn’t protected them
as well as it has some others. Perhaps they have been stopped for DWB
(driving while black) or perhaps their son has been exposed to racism in school
or in their daughter to racism in the supermarket.
Fortunately, we have a lot of people
who fought and died to give us the freedom to stand or not stand: no one can
force an American to do something just because other people want him to do
it. The reason that the code of conduct of the NFL teams doesn’t
specify that free speech is prohibited is because it would be unconstitutional.
Unless you want a dictatorship that says
American’s will do this when told to and do that when told to, I think you’ll
just have to live with it.
Sorry! How will you enforce this: if you tell them there is a post of their web-site, they will remove it immediately. The only way that they can do this is if you wish them to read every post and become a censor. What will your criteria be - given that you cannot have a law that does not define what is unacceptable.
I guess that this also applies to the post office, so that all our mail is read?'
Is this the reason that Facebook deleted Rohingya sites?
This is outrageous! Why can't the NHS just give us all the metal and physical health services that we need, regardless of cost. Our children and grandchildern will be able to pay the bill for our current lifestyle - and if they can't, someone else will have to pay.
Nonsense. As one of Germany shining example of feminism, she should just get on with her job. Let others worry about how "to help feminism go mainstream."
Nonsense. As one of Germany shining example of feminism, she should just get on with her job. Let others worry about how "to help feminism go mainstream."
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