Monday, 14 August 2017

What Happened to the Negative Music Review?
As about half of them can't sing, I can see why they would do this.
People don't want to be told 'half your vocalist can't sing' - it depresses them.

Foreign Solar Firms Gain Unexpected Support in Tariff Fight
Don't these people know that we're for America First!
We don't care how much it cost us to have our substandard or efficient suppliers, we want America First. 
If we do this for lots of markets, we could set America industry back decades.

What the Google Controversy Misses: The Business Case for Diversity
James Damore has been heaped with calumny because apparently people didn't read what he wrote.  Instead, they wish to see it as an attach on diversity.   That is all very good - I suppose people need to have their shibboleth attached now and then.  It is just hard for Mr Damare, who thought he was merely entering a debate.   He didn't know he was taken on a zeitgeist that didn't deal in fact:  it dealt with "don't you touch this, it is our faith and we will not have anyone messing with it."

Almost half of girls as young as 11 say they are harassed when they go online, study shows
There should be a law so that girls do not need to develop a thick skin, because we know that girls can't take care of themselves. There should be a law so that girls do not need to develop a thick skin, because we know that girls can't take care of themselves


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