Sunday, 23 July 2017

There are more important things than Donald Trump’s Twitter feed
True, but it does not stop you from putting his tweets on page one as often as you can. 
 Physician, heal thyself.

Radio station cancels Richard Dawkins appearance over Islam tweets
Quick, shut him up before he tells the truth

BBC pay: High-profile female presenters demand action on gender pay gap
Pay should be decided on sexists grounds. What gender a person claims is far more important than any ability to draw and entertain an audience.

Johanna Konta Interview on BBC Today Leads To Calls For John Humphrys To Resign
Humphreys is always more interested in himself than in his interviewees. He thinks it makes him look like a "tough" journalist to belittle people and make them look bad.

Donald Trump says 'US President has complete power to pardon'
He does, but only for federal crimes. He has no power to pardon in state prosecutions.
True, but it does not stop you from putting his tweets on page one as often as you can.   Physician, heal thyself.


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