Monday, 26 June 2017


  •  Supreme Court Allows Partial Implementation of Trump Travel Ban

  • " is possible that review process could result in additional countries being added to the list for restricted travel."
    Good idea: lets include countries with active terrorism: Israel, Saudi, Belgium, Pakistan, France, Peru, the UK,   China and Venezuela,
Theresa May Refusing To Give In To Brussels Demands On Family Rights
An independent Britain could well afford to give EU citizens in the UK the same rights that the EU country gives to UK citizens in the EU. It is called reciprocity and it is quintessentially fair. Indeed, it wouldn't be a bad policy approach for many UK allies around the world.
     For example, we could say: since a UK citizen living in the EU will have the right to take a dispute to the court that has jurisdiction for these cases in the EU; similarly, an EU citizen living in the UK will have the right to take a dispute it to the court that has jurisdiction for these cases in the UK

Jeremy Corbyn says PM's plan for EU citizens is 'too little, too late'
What a stupid thing to say!  Too late for what?  Negotiations have barely started.

Why we need an inquest into what happened at Grenfell Tower
Sorry? You seem to be saying the reason there should be an inquest is because other inquests into fire deaths had no effect whatsoever.  Oh, and it might make the victims families feel better if it is all raked over the coals again in a court room somewhere.

Fourteen police injured in London clashes over man's death
Lynch mob action at it's very best.


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