Thursday, 1 June 2017

Manchester victim's brother: stop using incident to claim there is 'immigration problem'
Agreed! This is not an immigration issue, it is a hate-crime, pure and simple.

EU helping force refugees back to 'hell on Earth'  to stop boat crossings from Libya, 
What? How dare the EU try to save these people's lives? 
Shouldn't they be allowed to drown at sea if they want to?
Refugees International (RI) apparently thinks that migrants who can get to just one ocean away from their desired homeland should be transported to wherever they want to go, no questions asked.

Deere to Buy Wirtgen, German Road Construction Equipment Maker, for $4.89 Billion
That's one way to avoid the border adjustment tax - and without creating a single American job.

Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course
The billionaire warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.

Trump Grants Ethics Waivers To 17 Top White House Staffers
That’s as many in four months as Obama granted in his entire eight years.
So much for "draining the swamp," it instead he's topping it up.

While You Obsessed Over Trump’s Scandals, He’s Fundamentally Changed The Country
1) pursuing lengthier prison sentences for drug offenders, despite bi-partisan consensus that this simply does not work and, in fact, is counter-productive
2) leaving the Paris climate deal, despite claiming global warming and its consequences as the reason he wants a permit to build retaining walls around his Irish golf course
3) over-ruling states rights on auto-IRAs, so it is harder for workers to set up retirement accounts 
4) delaying the implementation of workplace safety rules
5) repealing a regulation protecting workers from wage theft  
6) giving coal companies permission to dump debris into local streams
7) canceling requirements to report methane emissions
8) making it harder for citizens to obtain information their tax dollars have paid for
9) wanting to dismantle net neutrality, to allow cable and telecom industry special interests to control internet content and traffic
      All of these changes make America worse for everyone except a few big-business interests.

One good thing he has done is to continue Obama's policy of deporting more illegal aliens than his predecessor did.

I am hard pressed to find another Trump action that is positive for America.
     Anyone else have some?


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