Monday, 27 February 2017


What It’s Like to Have Your Parents Deported
A sad story, to be sure, that pulls at the heartstrings, but one that was predictable, expected and just. When people refuse to obey the law simply because they find it inconvenient to do so, not only do they mock the society that supports them, they present a scofflaw example that encourages others to break other laws. We don't normally think of parents sending kids to school as undermining society, but that is what this family did. They set out to prove that, in America, one does not need to obey the law; people can do whatever they like. If they get caught, others should feel sorry for them and try to help them avoid any penalty. That is not what I would call good citizenship. But then. this family do not want to be good citizens - they want to become citizens by, as we used to say, hook or by crook. That is, by cheating.

Grandmother Irene Clennell Deported With £12 In Her Pocket After 27 YearsWait. If she has broken the law for many years, shouldn't she be allowed to continue to break the law? After all, she is a grandmother, and grandmothers shouldn't have to obey the law, should they? Still, it is a pity that she couldn't use her credit card at the Edinburgh airport to draw some more cash but was forced to wait till she got to Singapore to top up. (I assume that is why she had so little cash, not because her family and Buzzfeed News refused to give her any.)

The Uses of Outrage
"But remember, he lost the popular vote, and would have lost the Electoral College if a significant number of college-educated voters hadn’t been misled by the media and the F.B.I...."
Yes, remember: It is always someone else''s fault


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