Wednesday, 4 May 2016
In other words, par for the course for most political parties.
Big Banks Just Claimed A Constitutional Right To Free Taxpayer Money
If oil, gas, coal, agribusiness, airlines, Walmart and hedgefunds can get corporate welfare subsiidised by the taxpayer, why shouldnt the banks want to get in on the gravy train?
In other words, par for the course for most political parties.
Cameron Won't Apologise To 'Stupid, Divisive And Wrong' Trump
Good for him. Nice to see a politician with cojones for a changeCameron U-Turn On Child Refugees
Yeah! We all know that Europeans cannot look after children. Bring them here where they can be physicallyand sexually abused like the UK kids placed in care with UK. social services.
The most worthwhile thing the juddering fool did was to get stuck on the flying fox.
If oil, gas, coal, agribusiness, airlines, Walmart and hedgefunds can get corporate welfare subsiidised by the taxpayer, why shouldnt the banks want to get in on the gravy train?
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