Sunday, 7 February 2016
David Cameron Pressured By Liberal Democrat Peers To Take In More Child RefugeesIt is absolutely "outrageous" for Liberal MPs to suggest that children who are already in European countries that can take good care of them, should enter Britiain ahead of much more at-risk children in Turkish, Jordanian and Lebanese refugee camps
Beyoncé Is Back And Unapologetically Black
What would we think if a singer, say a C&W artist, was advertised as "unapologetically white"?
Singers are, of course, the best source of informed opinion about ministers feelings, government policy and the LBGTRF community.
Ain't super-pacs wonderful: Citizens's United has led to attacks on 90-year-old women. Why? Because they can. Asked if this makes our America a worse place to live, the donors said: "who cares?"
Chicago Policeman Who Shot Quintonio LeGrier Sues Estate
What? No!
If our police are called to in to help in a domestic violence dispute, teens should be ALLOWED to attack them with baseball bats. There should not be any consequences, particularly if the officer and the perp are of different races.
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