Friday, 5 February 2016

Oh Joy! The media have a fight they can report to convince us that the world is a nasty place where people almost never get along.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails
Sensible people: as Snowden and Manning showed, these private accounts were a lot safer than govenment ones.

Not the oignon: fury as France changes 2,000 spellings
The changes, which have caused uproar on French Twitter, were first approved by the prestigious guardians of the French language, the Academie Française, in 1990"
About right. It usually takes the twits on twitter about 25 years to catch on to anything important.

People Have A 'Fundamental Right' To Own Assault Weapons, Court Rules
A semi-automatic assault rfle differs from the average hunting rifle only in style not in form or function. Hard to see how one can constitutionally discriminate over a fashion statement. 
     (Okay, such discrimination might make sense in human terms: the kind of guy who wants a weapon because he thinks it makes him look cool might not own a gun if he was limited to a stodgy old hunting rifle, but that is not a constitutional argument.)

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange To Demand Freedom After Backing From UN Panel
Freedom from what?
Freedom from obeying the law? 
Freedom from facing the women who accuse him of sexual assault?

Russian forcees could take East European capitals in 3 days
And 3 days is only because of logisitcs.  When I served in Germany in the 1960s, general scuttlebut was that Russia would take just 3 days to reach the Rhine, over-running several German and American divisions along the way.
And that is only because of logisitvcs.  When I served in Germany in the 60s, the general scuttlebut was that Russia would take just 3 days to reach the Rhine, over-running several German and American divisions along the way.And that is only because of logisitvcs.  When I served in Germany in the 60s, the general scuttlebut was that Russia would take just 3 days to reach the Rhine, over-running several German and American divisions along the way.
And that is only because of logisitvcs.  When I served in Germany in the 60s, the general scuttlebut was that Russia would take just 3 days to reach the Rhine, over-running several German and American divisions along the way.
And that is only because of logisitvcs.  When I served in Germany in the 60s, the general scuttlebut was that Russia would take just 3 days to reach the Rhine, over-running several German and American divisions along the way.


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