Thursday, 16 October 2014


Islamic State Sex Slave Market Staged In London By Kurdish Activists
Whoa! Bad headlines! The Kurds who staged this protest theatre are Islamic. 
The ISIS people who inspired this protest are NOT Islamic, nor are their auctions.
They are perverters of the faith and mohareb enemies of Allah

Thousands of patients at risk from NHS outsourcing
Of course medical error has never, ever happened in a government-run NHS hospital. Looking at the headlines, this is not a news story, it is an ideological editorial rant.

Anthropocene: We might be about to move from the Holocene to a new epoch
Interesting idea, fueled by a very recent scientific fad. I would wait for the jury to come in: If we want to be truly scientific, in the geological sense, we should make this decision in, say, 1000 years (if we are still around). 500 years is NOT enough to define a geological epoch.

Putin Threatens To Reduce European Gas SupplyHas he been studying Dale Carnegie again?

Louise Mensch 'Pins Tory Election Hopes' On Ebola Outbreak
Why does Huffpo give this self-serving publicist exposure after she reneged on her promise to her constituents. I understand that, being human, she may have ethical limitations, but why does a journllistic enterprise cater to them?
      Question for the investigative journalist: does Huffpo get some benefit from airing her views?

Senate’s inquiry into CIA torture sidesteps blaming Bush'Gosh! You mean they didn't extend their remit to include a conclusion that we (or at least the authors of this article) wanted to see, whether it was relevant or not? How dare they?

Lockheed Martin Unveils Compact Fusion Reactor Which 'Could change everything'
Gosh. I t could even change politicians self-serving posturings. No? Oh well, not everything then - but it would still be a positive development.

DJ Stephanie Hirst Told To Come Off Air During 'Unsuitable' Gender Reassignment
Oh dear. A self-centered person was not given tax-payer supported airtime to indulge his/her ego. How tragic.!


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